What the F#@k

Evil Dead

Hail to the King baby
Mar 19, 2002
Kansas City

GRAMBLING, La. — Officials at Grambling State University were meeting Monday after the school newspaper ran photographs of adults at a campus-run elementary school putting a noose around at least one child's neck.
Kindergarten and first-grade students at Alma J. Brown Elementary School were being taught why nooses are a symbol of racism, an article from the historically black university's student newspaper said.
The article said the children also were being taught about the "Jena Six" — black high-school students who are accused of beating a white schoolmate. Court proceedings brought about 20,000 to 25,000 people to Jena, about 70 miles from Grambling, for a civil rights march in September.
A press release posted on the Gramblinite's Web site said three photographs from the event were removed after a staff conference call. Ten others were re-posted to the site Monday after the university's president ordered the removal of all the photos and the story over the weekend, according to the Gramblinite press release.
"The Gramblinite only did what our motto stands for: 'We don't make the news; we report it,'" said De'Eric M. Henry, the paper's editor in chief. "We do not approve of censorship or prior review, and we stand by our editorial decision to inform the students of Grambling State University of news events that effect them on campus, in the community and everywhere."

The Revs. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have said the charges were too heavy for the actions and that three white students who were suspended after hanging nooses from a tree on the school campus three months earlier should have been expelled and prosecuted.

The date of the Grambling incident was not clear and the photos that showed nooses had been removed from the site.

University President Horace Judson said he ordered photos removed from the Web site as soon as his secretary called him Friday to describe them. At the time, he said, he was driving to Dallas for Saturday's football game against Prairie View.

Judson told The News Star of Monroe and the Ruston Daily Leader on Friday that he was starting an investigating immediately, and would meet Monday morning with everyone involved.

It is at least the second time this year The Gramblinite has tangled with school administrators.
Provost Robert Dixon ordered the newspaper on Jan. 17 to stop publication, a move criticized as censorship by alumni, the Student Press Law Center in Arlington, Va. and Gramblinite editor Darryl Smith. He accused Dixon of trying to block editorials criticizing the school's maintenance and suggesting the state was trying to shut down the university.

Eight days later, Dixon said the newspaper had provided a satisfactory plan to end what he said was shoddy editing and plagiarism, and the paper could resume publication the following week.

The brief Gramblinite article about the elementary schoolyard "march" said teachers "even had a replica noose and explained why it is such a symbol of racism," but did not mention that the noose was put around anyone's neck. That was shown in photographs, which The News Star of Monroe obtained by e-mail and e-mailed with the article to The Associated Press.

The Daily Leader, which does not have a Saturday edition, also published an article about the incident online Saturday, saying it was not using Grambling photographs because of copyright considerations and to protect the child's privacy.

It said the student paper sent it copies of pictures and the article Friday morning, but later asked it not to use the photographs removed from the Web site.

One shows a young girl in a school uniform being held up by a woman while someone else, mostly hidden by a tree, holds a noose around her neck and up to a branch.

The article said kindergarten and first-grade students circled their playground with their teachers as a "march" to protest "the imprisonment of Mychal Bell, and the seemingly racial bias shown toward blacks in a small Louisiana town."

Judson said Sean Warner, dean of the College of Education, has spoken with the principal of the elementary school about the incident.

"This is very serious. I will say that," Judson told The News Star. "I'll have a face-to-face meeting with everyone involved. We're going to find out what the facts are. At this point I don't know if my students were involved.

"These are minors at our school and this is a student paper that still must practice complete accountability," he said.

Given the nature of the situation, Judson said, "it was certainly my judgment to take those pictures down.

Another step backward for black culture in America. And jesus christ, those chicks are FAT!! When I imagine them eating, I think of an industrial vacuum sucking out the contents of a container of cool whip. MMM appetizer!! I wonder if they just grabbed the girl, or where the kids chomping at the bit to be mock lynched?

Someone should show some white kids an enactment of affirmative action, so they won't be disappointed getting denied a spot in college or a job in the future due to the color of their skin, or the lack there of.

And to the two big berthas above, I find it sad and repulsive that "educated" people would think that putting a small kid in a noose is a good idea at all. I bet that little girl was scared shitless, either by the noose or the Jabbas that might eat her.

This Jena 6 shit is ridiculous. So some kids hung a noose on a tree, the kids should have used the proper channels, cuz we know in today's liberal society people will jump to expose anything that could hurt someones feelings :( But know, the stereotypical 6 on 1 black beatdown took place. And I think what everyone forgets is..that when you beat the shit out of someone and they black out..or you knock them out...and you KEEP beating them..that is attempted murder as defined by law.
Another step backward for black culture in America. And jesus christ, those chicks are FAT!! When I imagine them eating, I think of an industrial vacuum sucking out the contents of a container of cool whip.

Yeah... its cultural suicide.

The little girl doesn't look frightened. its just a game for her and every other kid who gets put in these stupid situations and made to march for two-bit criminals and drug dealers. But it seriously fucks with their psyche as they get older.

Don't worry. Its all building up to that nationwide race war that we narrowly missed in 1995. Its like the brothas felt cheated that they couldn't burn down every majour city in America after OJ was acquitted. Twelve years of that shit simmering away has gotta bleed out slowly in stupid-ass shit like this, or boil over into a fuckin civil war.

The plot thickens...

OCTOBER 2--A group of white Louisiana college students dressed in blackface and reenacted the "Jena 6" assault while a friend snapped photos and videotaped the staged attack, images that were later posted to one of the participant's Facebook page.

The woman who posted the video was later heard crying, "I'm not a racist. I have just as many black friends as white ones, and I love em to death!"

Death, eh?? Ah hah! Death by a'lynchin??

What is most disgraceful about this Jena business is that it is all essentially based upon lies and distortions(what else is new?). Multiple investigations, all of which are well documented had the media ever bothered to look, concluded without question that the whole "nooses in the tree" incident had nothing whatever to do with RACE at all!! That's correct - it was agreed by all involved that this was in no way racially motivated, but a prank among members of...get this...a rodeo team!! What's more, even the students of both races agree this supposed "whites only" tree angle is pure fiction. It just wasn't true.

The media and the race-hustlers ala Sharpton, Jackson, et al, were easily lured in by a quack Baptist preacher from Texas who insisted this was racial wickedness - no matter what the facts and realities were. Of course America, now fully conditioned to buy into this racial flim-flam without question went willingly along for the ride, instead of standing up and calling bullshit on these rabble-rousers. So once again, racial divisions in America are more sharp and potentially hostile than they have been in ages and over what? More lies, distortions and white-hating opportunists. We truly have become a nation of fools and cowards.
What is most disgraceful about this Jena business is that it is all essentially based upon lies and distortions(what else is new?). Multiple investigations, all of which are well documented had the media ever bothered to look, concluded without question that the whole "nooses in the tree" incident had nothing whatever to do with RACE at all!! That's correct - it was agreed by all involved that this was in no way racially motivated, but a prank among members of...get this...a rodeo team!! What's more, even the students of both races agree this supposed "whites only" tree angle is pure fiction. It just wasn't true.

The media and the race-hustlers ala Sharpton, Jackson, et al, were easily lured in by a quack Baptist preacher from Texas who insisted this was racial wickedness - no matter what the facts and realities were. Of course America, now fully conditioned to buy into this racial flim-flam without question went willingly along for the ride, instead of standing up and calling bullshit on these rabble-rousers. So once again, racial divisions in America are more sharp and potentially hostile than they have been in ages and over what? More lies, distortions and white-hating opportunists. We truly have become a nation of fools and cowards.

damn rodeo clowns and their shenanigans!
The shit gets out of control. What has steamed my ass today is that some fucking school in Chicago has decided to bring Ramadan in as a school celebration, along the lines of Halloween and Christmas.


How do the people who hold power in this country bend over and take it in the ass for one muslim scumbag? They by god better be celebrating Jewish holidays, Buddhist's, Satanists, Shinto's, Hindu's, and whatever other religions are out there.

The best part of this whole situation, is the muslim people were complaining about the celebration of Halloween. When did that become a religious holiday? Its FUCKING SEASONAL!! Wiccans and pagans can clamor all they want about it being religious, but in reality its celebration of the end of the harvest. Same goes for Christmas. The religious aspect of the holiday is fabricated by the church. Converted pagans had a winter celebration during that time of the month, and the church saw how it would be easy to just roll in some new christian celebration that went hand in hand with the old pagan ones.

In a country where majority rules I find it humorous that everything gets turned topsy turvy because some people are shitty parents. This goes for all those fuckers who bitch about any tradition this nation has had. Liberals and Muslims sit back and smile as the traditions of this country are slowly placed aside.
The shit gets out of control. What has steamed my ass today is that some fucking school in Chicago has decided to bring Ramadan in as a school celebration, along the lines of Halloween and Christmas.


How do the people who hold power in this country bend over and take it in the ass for one muslim scumbag? They by god better be celebrating Jewish holidays, Buddhist's, Satanists, Shinto's, Hindu's, and whatever other religions are out there.

The best part of this whole situation, is the muslim people were complaining about the celebration of Halloween. When did that become a religious holiday? Its FUCKING SEASONAL!! Wiccans and pagans can clamor all they want about it being religious, but in reality its celebration of the end of the harvest. Same goes for Christmas. The religious aspect of the holiday is fabricated by the church. Converted pagans had a winter celebration during that time of the month, and the church saw how it would be easy to just roll in some new christian celebration that went hand in hand with the old pagan ones.

In a country where majority rules I find it humorous that everything gets turned topsy turvy because some people are shitty parents. This goes for all those fuckers who bitch about any tradition this nation has had. Liberals and Muslims sit back and smile as the traditions of this country are slowly placed aside.

The problem, of course, is that America is in the throes of a massive self-inflicted identity crisis. Sadly, the majority hasn't ruled America since before Buchanan was President - but rather we are ruled by a small mega-capitalist/globalist elite who gleefully sell-out the nation for every precious shekel they can generate, while allowing the culture to rot and be torn apart from within.
Think on it - what IS an American anymore? If one believes the accepted orthodoxy of our time, that person can be:

1) of any race, creed, ethnicity or admixture thereof.
2) of any conceivable relgious/spiritual pursuasion.
3) speak any language - English not necessarily included.
4) may likely have been born and raised on the other side of the planet.
5) of any imaginable sexual "orientation."
6) may have stolen into the country illegally and tresspassed for decades.
7) openly posses dual national allegiances.(Israel, Mexico, etc.)
8) etc.

...all said and done, what kind of unified "nation" can such a disparate, arbitrary grouping of people possibly create? And odds are, we are seeing only the beginning...America is growing more "diverse" on the hour. Can anyone honestly believe this formula can work for very long before the inevitable in-fighting, balkanization and social upheaval eat us alive from within?
The problem, of course, is that America is in the throes of a massive self-inflicted identity crisis. Sadly, the majority hasn't ruled America since before Buchanan was President - but rather we are ruled by a small mega-capitalist/globalist elite who gleefully sell-out the nation for every precious shekel they can generate, while allowing the culture to rot and be torn apart from within.
Think on it - what IS an American anymore? If one believes the accepted orthodoxy of our time, that person can be:

1) of any race, creed, ethnicity or admixture thereof.
2) of any conceivable relgious/spiritual pursuasion.
3) speak any language - English not necessarily included.
4) may likely have been born and raised on the other side of the planet.
5) of any imaginable sexual "orientation."
6) may have stolen into the country illegally and tresspassed for decades.
7) openly posses dual national allegiances.(Israel, Mexico, etc.)
8) etc.

...all said and done, what kind of unified "nation" can such a disparate, arbitrary grouping of people possibly create? And odds are, we are seeing only the beginning...America is growing more "diverse" on the hour. Can anyone honestly believe this formula can work for very long before the inevitable in-fighting, balkanization and social upheaval eat us alive from within?

That is the formula for the fall of an empire.

Another step backward for black culture in America. And jesus christ, those chicks are FAT!! When I imagine them eating, I think of an industrial vacuum sucking out the contents of a container of cool whip. MMM appetizer!! I wonder if they just grabbed the girl, or where the kids chomping at the bit to be mock lynched?

Someone should show some white kids an enactment of affirmative action, so they won't be disappointed getting denied a spot in college or a job in the future due to the color of their skin, or the lack there of.

And to the two big berthas above, I find it sad and repulsive that "educated" people would think that putting a small kid in a noose is a good idea at all. I bet that little girl was scared shitless, either by the noose or the Jabbas that might eat her.

This Jena 6 shit is ridiculous. So some kids hung a noose on a tree, the kids should have used the proper channels, cuz we know in today's liberal society people will jump to expose anything that could hurt someones feelings :( But know, the stereotypical 6 on 1 black beatdown took place. And I think what everyone forgets is..that when you beat the shit out of someone and they black out..or you knock them out...and you KEEP beating them..that is attempted murder as defined by law.

there's a lot of truth to what you've said. A LOT. :mad:

hanging the nooses was wrong. no doubt about it. it was stupid, insensitive and showed a lack of maturity and reasoning on the part of those involved.
HOWEVER, 6 kids jumping on 1 and beating him until he was unconscious is a criminal act. jail is exactly where those animals deserved to be.
you dont get to kill somebody [or attempt to kill somebody] for 'hurting your feelings.'
does it matter to anybody that at least one of the Jena 6 darlings had a record for previous violent crimes??
it certainly doesnt to the so-called Rev. Al or the race baiters of the liberal left.
there's a lot of truth to what you've said. A LOT. :mad:

hanging the nooses was wrong. no doubt about it. it was stupid, insensitive and showed a lack of maturity and reasoning...


Don't believe the hype...as they say! By all reasonable accounts, the infamous "nooses" were, after multiple investigations, deemed NOT to be a racially motivated act. What then was "wrong" about them? Now, any action that some protected minority can interpret as a sleight, must be avoided because it MIGHT offend someone, based upon some amorphous criteria of what is offensive to whom, etc? We mustn't let the enemy set the rules for the game...or we will have lost already.

Don't believe the hype...as they say! By all reasonable accounts, the infamous "nooses" were, after multiple investigations, deemed NOT to be a racially motivated act. What then was "wrong" about them? Now, any action that some protected minority can interpret as a sleight, must be avoided because it MIGHT offend someone, based upon some amorphous criteria of what is offensive to whom, etc? We mustn't let the enemy set the rules for the game...or we will have lost already.

i dont disagree with you, but i havent heard anything about the nooses, other than that they were there. i cant think of a good reason to have them there, except to push some buttons. whatever the point was they were trying to make, they did more harm than good.

regardless, a 6-on-1 beatdown isnt an equalizer to the situation. the hanging of the nooses, whether they were racially motivated or not, do NOT warrant attempted murder and it looks like the real criminals are being painted as the victims in this case.

sickening, really.
Ha ha, this shit reminds me of REGINALD DENNY.

Remember Reginald Denny?

The white driver who was pulled from his truck during the Rodney King Riots by six black 30-year olds and got the shit kicked out of him on live TV?

His statement after the trial exonerated his attackers?

"Boys will be boys."

"Boyz!" 30-year-old boys out to fuck up DA MAN. Ha ha ha!

Ha ha, this shit reminds me of REGINALD DENNY.

Remember Reginald Denny?

The white driver who was pulled from his truck during the Rodney King Riots by six black 30-year olds and got the shit kicked out of him on live TV?

His statement after the trial exonerated his attackers?

"Boys will be boys."

"Boyz!" 30-year-old boys out to fuck up DA MAN. Ha ha ha!


i remember that. unfortunately, Denny probably doesnt. the attack left him with permanent short-term memory problems and he has to write the events of the day down every day in a journal so he can remember details.

i thought about Reginald Denny when this happened and the MOST SICKENING thing, even beyond the unwarranted beating, was the mother of one of the animals that attacked him standing up before the trial and telling reporters how sorry she was for what happened, apologizing to Mr. Denny and he graciously accepted, even hugged her neck and told her it wasnt her fault.
i also remember that same woman acting like the barbaric hypocrite she really was when the animals that attacked Denny were let off the hook. it was a complete turnaround. she was back on the news, hooting and hollering, acting as if she'd never been in the company of decent humanity in her life, and started crowing that she KNEW her boy was innocent! she KNEW he didnt do this thing!
if she KNEW all that, why did she apologize to Denny in the first place? why did she hug him, show remorse??

the race baiters do more harm to race relations in this country by expecting past wrongs against people of color to be the 'get out of jail free' card for every wrong committed by their race in the present day.
liberal, bleeding heart, self-hating whites only compound the problems by allowing it.
'white guilt' is one of the biggest poxes against our society that we now face. it's destroying us from the inside out.
i dont disagree with you, but i havent heard anything about the nooses, other than that they were there. i cant think of a good reason to have them there, except to push some buttons. whatever the point was they were trying to make, they did more harm than good.

regardless, a 6-on-1 beatdown isnt an equalizer to the situation. the hanging of the nooses, whether they were racially motivated or not, do NOT warrant attempted murder and it looks like the real criminals are being painted as the victims in this case.

sickening, really.

That's just it - the whole whites only tree=noose=racism=national=scandal is 5% reality and 95% fiction, stirred up solely to cause trouble. Of course the American media...and all too many Americans themselves buy right in to the media hype machine.
Three seperate investigations, as chronicled in the local press in Jena, all concluded that there was NO racial motivation to the "noose" issue. Moreover, the supposed "no-blacks-allowed" tree was a lie from the start. Students and teachers alike from the school insist that there was no acknowledged "off-limits" area anywhere on the campus, for black or white students.
It's all very typical of the whole race flim-flam in America.