WHAT THE F**K? powdered booze?

Jul 14, 2002
Stratford, CT
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this was on the CNN website this morning....talk about creating a drug/booze dependent society.

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (Reuters) -- Dutch students have invented powdered alcohol which they say can be sold legally to minors.
The latest innovation in inebriation, called Booz2Go, is available in 20-gram packets that cost €1-1.5 ($1.35-$2).
Top it up with water and you have a bubbly, lime-colored and -flavored drink with just 3 percent alcohol content.
"We are aiming for the youth market. They are really more into it because you can compare it with Bacardi-mixed drinks," 20-year-old Harm van Elderen told Reuters.
Van Elderen and four classmates at Helicon Vocational Institute, about an hour's drive from Amsterdam, came up with the idea as part of their final-year project.
"Because the alcohol is not in liquid form, we can sell it to people below 16," said project member Martyn van Nierop.
The legal age for drinking alcohol and smoking is 16 in the Netherlands.
The students said companies interested in making the product commercially could avoid taxes because the alcohol was in powder form. A number of companies are interested, they said.
Copyright 2007 Reuters. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

I'm still waiting for powdered toast.
What does it say about me that my first thought was "Why add it to water when you can add it to cheap vodka and make it even more alcholic and odd?"
Nah, you have to mix powdered drinks with water first. Although, you could just use like a shot of water, and then mix it with alcohol.
I always mix Kool Aid with vodka (the small packets, so they are sour as hell), but I have to mix it with some water first. It doesn't mix well directly with the alcohol
You don't, actually, have to mix it with water first. We used to mix vodka with powdered gatorade all the time. Was a popular little shot in college. The electrolytes with the alcohol increased the assimilation rate of the alcohol. You pretty much have to use a blender, but it works.
Yeah, but it's easier to mix it with water first. You make like a syrup with the powder, then mix it with gin or vodka. It blends together a lot better that way. Not just the consistency, but also the taste.
I never tried with a blender though.
Valid point. Of course, if the substance is dehydrated alcholic mix, that will change the chemistry a touch.

I am discussing this in the midst of quite a bit of consumed tequila. While listening to Sabbat (UK). I just wanted to make that clear.
i like the powdered alchohol thing
except it's only 3% alchohol, that's a pussy drink
wow so it actually is coming true, a long time ago me and some of my other friends convinced my friend to drink powdered laxative because we claimed it was powdered alcohol and would be easier to drink than hard stuff. at the time we thought it was crazy and wondered how he possibly believed it but i guess it is real o_O
wow so it actually is coming true, a long time ago me and some of my other friends convinced my friend to drink powdered laxative because we claimed it was powdered alcohol and would be easier to drink than hard stuff. at the time we thought it was crazy and wondered how he possibly believed it but i guess it is real o_O

...I demand to hear the rest of this story.