Teacher accused of wizardry; Harry Potter surrenders

theres a teacher at my school that can make a card appear on his arm, its cool someone holds his arm and takes a card out of the deck and the card shows up bruised on his arm.
It annoys me when Atheists think all religious people are stupid because some do some stupid shit. I'm not a Theist but believing in a being of a higher power that can't be proven or disproven does not make you stupid.

If you take off all the bullshit that the Catholics added on to their religion after it was created (I took Church history for 8 years) then they really aren't that different from Atheists. The only difference is the Atheists call the greater power physics, and the catholics call it God, except the catholics believe that it will answer prayers and such.

Ignore this post, the religious arguments that appear here are stupid.
Many great scientists were Theists, some of my friends are Atheists and like most they look down upon Theists. I'm Agnostic but when I was an Atheist I used to be annoying and I used to think Theists were idiots (like some on this forum do who need to grow up IMO). People can believe what they want, but its when they attack other beliefs that we get stuff like suicide bombings and crusades.

It annoys me when Atheists think all religious people are stupid because some do some stupid shit. I'm not a Theist but believing in a being of a higher power that can't be proven or disproven does not make you stupid.

I wasn't referring to anyone who considers themselves a part of any religious denomination, merely Christianity. I label Christians as illogical due to the fact that they take the word of a compilation of ancient texts with next to no factual merit over mathematics and science. Science has disproved many of the main principals that Christianity is predicated upon, and to deny science is to me, illogical.

I'm not saying that every single Christian is stupid (not at all, really), there have been many brilliant minds over the years who held Christian beliefs. We are all illogical at times, and my initial post was more of a response to the type of people who make stories that this topic pertains to news. It was said out of frustration after being reminded that people still think and act that this.

Hope that clears things up slightly.

Edit: Also, I feel it important to say that pondering the existence of some sort of higher being does not make you intellectually inferior at all. However, holding a belief that a theistic figure created everything as it is today as opposed to evolution (essentially a proven fact) is not what I would call logical.