My Theory About Religion!


A God in my own mind
Nov 15, 2001
Atlanta and Chicago
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This is an excerpt of a conversation I had with Jayde illustrating my theory of religion

TowelieNUOX: i believe that when humans were in their first or second stages... our brains weren't perfect... of course they weren't... that's what evolution is for... we adapt and become more whole and more compadible for the world we live in
TowelieNUOX: it was imperetive for humans to be able to explain death since they could in no way comprehend what it meant
TowelieNUOX: this is where the religion part of the brain comes in
TowelieNUOX: everyone needed this part of the brain, because the thought of death couldn't be handle in the early human's fragile minds
TowelieNUOX: if you look at the stats today... there are more athiests than ever before... and I'm not talking in numbers... I'm talking in percents
TowelieNUOX: and if you look... over 75% of those are people under the age of 30
TowelieNUOX: My theory is that we're evolving... so that we don't need religion anymore... we can face death now
TowelieNUOX: I feel as if I'm more evolved than the people who rely on God
TowelieNUOX: or they're evolved.. they just can't break out of family tradition, etc...
BleakHarvest7: That's a really good theory
TowelieNUOX: I think religion will be but a bedtime story for children in hundreds of years
TowelieNUOX: er... more like thousand
TowelieNUOX: s

Tell me what you think!
I can't help but hope that Jayde is really a guy and that people like Towelie are flirting with a man.... ;)

Not that I'm homophobic or anything. Far from it, in fact. But it's just a nice thought during an internet forum discussion.
Shit! Why didn't you tell me?? How am I gonna find a dress on such short notice? Who are my bridesmaids gonna be? Do you have a ring? Ugh, I am so unprepared for this.