The video is 24p. Some of the shots were done at 30p with a high shutter speed, then slowed down to 24. This created the
"string warping"effect on the bass, and the "strobing effect" on the drums.
No software magic required
More details to follow.
I was actually meaning it was saccaded, like playing a videogame with too high settings. Now with what I'm reading, I'm guessing it's a codec/flash issue. Or maybe there is none, and I just don't like the effect you used
It gives my eyes a sense of "there are missing frames and it makes it fatiguing to watch".
Now that I'm watching the video again, I don't see this issue anymore, but still my eyes are telling me it's not 24i/s, but I guess it's me being picky cause I've started editing video a few weeks ago, and I'm being paranoid
I'm maybe too used to 30i/s (the native iphone 4 framerate) now. I wouldn't have trusted my eyes would make a difference (24 is supposed to be the human eyes "framerate") but it does.
I like the bass string warping effect. I would have thought it to be a problem to watch, as it's usually horrible to watch something off-sync or faked in a music video, but this is short enough to make it sound cool
You're lucky to be able to shoot full manual. I shoot 100% in manual mode, but I wear contacts/glasses, and even with them I can't trust my eyes enough to take good pics without the help of autofocus. My eyes are still sharper than the autofocus, but it requires me a lot of concentration. Unless I'm using a f=10 or something like that and from a distance.
PS : BTW, for info, if I'm right, youtube HD is 24i/s, but Vimeo HD is 30i/s. I believe it accepts a higher resolution too, if needed, but I'm not 100% sure. May be nice to know when capturing pretty sweet videos and when you want to show it in full quality.