My three options of singers for anthrax...

My one and only choice would be Nathan Explosion. Would take the band in a different direction totally.

The only other choice of course is Julio.

No arguments.
well.. it wont be belladonna right now

they don't seem like they're all going to be fwends.

Bush would be nice, but he said "not now"

Ripper is presently accounted for as Iced Earths Singer and they're in the middle of an album right now.

as for the other guys.. iunno
It has to be someone who can sing. Someone who can do High and low stuff. Guess it will be not Joey, but someone with similar singing style would be cool. Hopefully Bush won't be coming back. Let's also hope, that these guys make thrashier record. More back to roots record. Last 2-3 have been too "nu-metallish"
I agree with has been nu-metal about the last 2 vocalists...are you new to thrax, or just some spamming asshole? other words raven...stfu....or in the words of nathan explosion....go forth and die
I agree with has been nu-metal about the last 2 vocalists...are you new to thrax, or just some spamming asshole? other words raven...stfu....or in the words of nathan explosion....go forth and die


"Go forth and die"?!! Is that in the Bible somewhere? And if not, it should be! Good stuff. Keep up the good work....I think I will go forth and.....drink a Blatz!:heh: