My weird Novella Reservoir experience


Sep 19, 2004
I'm pretty bored so I thought I'd share this (rather lame) story with you lot.

This happend to me a few months ago.

I was on my way back home from university for the summer and I'd just got off the train. I decide to take a short cut through the woods to my house. I climbed over this smallish railway bridge. I crossed the track fine but then when I climbed over the other fence I slipped and fell about 15 feet off the bridge and into the river below. Shocked(and soaked) I got up immediatly out of the water (thankfully I wasnt hurt). I then checked my bag to see if my belongings were ok(it was primarily cds). I was frustrated that one the cds was the new ND disc. Thankfully after I dried it the cd worked fine and the artwork now has an authentic watery reservoir tinge to it! it really works well with the albums water theme.



I am glad I have the album loaded from my CD to my MP3 player, because after hearing your story, I am NEVER taking out that CD again!!

It's cursed! :lol:

PS - More importantly tho, I am glad you are ok.
About 40 of my 600 cd's have milk damage. I used to have a carosil full of cd's (held about 400 cd's in it) and I once put an unfinished glass of milk on top before sleeping (it was beside my bed at the time) woke up and it was all over my entire cd collection. I was pretty bent!

I have the new cd and have only listened to the origional twice because I have the burned on in the truck. I keep the origional in the house. I am pretty bad with ruining cd's, well, ones in my truck. Being a bricklayer sucks. The mortar gets all over them and they scratch.
About 40 of my 600 cd's have milk damage. I used to have a carosil full of cd's (held about 400 cd's in it) and I once put an unfinished glass of milk on top before sleeping (it was beside my bed at the time) woke up and it was all over my entire cd collection. I was pretty bent!


You and milk....
One of my goals is to get a proper IPod soon so I can just put all of my cds in there and stop having to take the actual discs everywhere with me when I want to listen to them.

Glad you weren't hurt, sorry your cd got washed up lol
About 40 of my 600 cd's have milk damage. I used to have a carosil full of cd's (held about 400 cd's in it) and I once put an unfinished glass of milk on top before sleeping (it was beside my bed at the time) woke up and it was all over my entire cd collection. I was pretty bent!

I have the new cd and have only listened to the origional twice because I have the burned on in the truck. I keep the origional in the house. I am pretty bad with ruining cd's, well, ones in my truck. Being a bricklayer sucks. The mortar gets all over them and they scratch.

Proof that milk is DOOM. Well, doom for any possessions in its immediate vicinity.
I would say it goes like this:
Chocolate Milk = DOOM
White Milk = Christian Metal
Strawberry Milk = Flower Metal
Banana Milk = Prog Metal (IE - you like it, but not many people "get it")