Drown my dirt with Rain!


Apr 5, 2003
Hi there, buddies.

I've been thinking about this for a couple days.

By now most of you probably know about Paul naming Rainwound... Well I brought my Novembers Doom CDs with me on a recent car trip, and my mom and I were rocking out to Novella Reservoir. I've told her about Paul naming my band, she has always been like "Why didn't you name it yourself" But I've never really been good with names unless I don't really care to begin with. :Saint: But anyway I told her how he came up with the name Rainwound and how we had chatted about the whole thing like being wounded by Rain as people are like dirt, and she asked if the song Rain was like an homage or some kind of acknowledgement of Rainwound and that concept and I honestly didn't know, so that's why I'm here with yet another Rainwound thread. :Puke:

But seriously, was it on your mind at all or is it just a coincodence? At any rate surely I am honored.. :) I'm even going to call the first song on the new Rainwound CD, "November"... A little homage to you guys but also a good time period with which to set up the story. It actually fits in good. Anyway I hadn't realized that whole deal until a couple days ago, and I couldn't wait to get on here and ask about it but I was out of town. :erk:

Novella Reservoir totally crushes and most of the songs were instant classics to me. Good job fellas! :kickass:
The answer is "no." Dude, honestly, like I've told you before, it was a word off the top of my head, suggesting a play on words to use for a name. I've never given it another thought, and you need to seriously stop using us to promote yourself for something so minor. I didn't name your band, I gave you a suggestion when you asked for one, and you used it. That's it, simple as that.

I don't mean to be a dick about it, but you put too much praise on something that ANYONE could have given you. It was no big deal, so please treat it as such.

Saying that, I'm happy you enjoy the new CD, thanks for the kind words!
Around the time that you and Paul spoke and the "rainwound" thing came up, was at that same time when Paul was first coming up with concepts for the new disc, I believe. So maybe the word "rain" was in the forefront of his mind, but it wasn't meant as a tribute to anyone haha Good luck with the band, glad you enjoy the new cd. :)
Yeah, I love the new CD... and it was summer of 2005... I dunno. :o

I didn't mean to bother you so much.. I didn't think you were so annoyed with the credit for the name, and I really didn't mean to badger you over the edge. I can stop mentioning that you named it if that would make you happy... But you're always going to be the answer to "How'd you come up with the name?"....

I sincerely thought that there was something going on or else I never would have made the thread, and I didn't make it to promote my band.... I was just happy that it might have had some truth to it. Maybe I should have sent the message in private instead! :( But I am sorry and I won't mention ND or you anymore in the history or bio's of the band I guess. You might regret it when I hit InsideOut Records and get massive sales and exposure though. ^_^ Hah just kidding, that'll never happen.....or will it? Whooo.

I'll just tell folks it came to me in a dream if anyone asks... :o

It's all cool man, seriously! I just think you're making a bigger deal out this, then it is man. I don't want, nor need credit for your band name, when it was just advice you asked for. Honestly brother, I don't mean to be insulting, and if it were something I gave a lot of thought to, then I might feel differently, but in all honesty, just forget it. I really appreciate the fact you want to credit me for naming your band, and I'm not annoyed, I just feel you're putting too much emphasis on this. Just do you thing, and let the music speak for itself. You're demos are good, and stand on their own. You certainly don't need to put my name in any of your press releases. If you get asked how you came up with the name, just say a friend helped you. Simple as that. :)

Please don't take it the wrong way, like I said, I'm really not trying to be a dick about it all, it's just a bit much when I really didn't do anything. I'd even tell this to my best friend, if I did the same for him. Hell, Even if I came to you and said "I have the PERFECT name for you band!" and you used it, I STILL wouldn't want credit.

I hope you understand where I'm coming from here. It'm REALLY not being shitty about it, just honest.
need to hear some tracks from Rainwound ...

few of my friends were in a band called Ravenswood in the early 90's ... the name just reminded me of them ... just thought I'd throw that out there :loco: