New ND CD title inside...

affinityband said:
Its soundin heavier and faster, im absoloutley lovin it hah LOVE YOUX

Indeed that guitar sounded proper hefty and thick. :rock:

so you guys are a staright up death metal band now? ;)
Now that, my friends, is coolness galore! Sounds like some good "bullshit" to paraphrase Larry there. In fact, that cowbell sounds kind of neat. Ever thought of keeping it going throughout the album...?
Just kidding, dammit! Hehe.

All kidding aside, it's still something to very much look forward to.

Oh yeah, nice ND hoodie btw. ;)
BTW, the .mov worked for me this time around. .avi gave me the same problem as before but... who cares. Seemed to do the trick for Angeleyes, so there you go.
Thanks for fixing, Paul.
I'd just like to add you're doing a great job keeping the fanbase up to date and hot for your upcoming release at the same time. I haven't come across a lot of bands giving people this close a look at the recording process while still in the midst of it. Actually it's pretty much a first to my knowledge.
I should start bugging some other bands with ND as a reference. :cool:
Yeah it worked better for me when I right clcked on the avi. link and saved it. Trying to play it by just clicking the link seems to give me more trouble, so for anyone out there who is having the same problems with it, just try the right-click and save thing, it might work better.

Also we should have a new video up soon, compiling some of the past few days work.
I wouldn't expect there to be a release date for a disc which has yet to be completed. However, are you guys targetting a given month? If not, do you expect it will be released in '06 or '07. Thanks.

Excellent job. A bit freakish, but that's (more than) okay. :goggly:
It's good to see you're all having such a good time recording. And really going through the whole process like a bullet train, may I add. I'm far from an expert in the matter so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but I'd think recording usually takes a lot longer. Y'all must be doing something right. And then it doesn't matter if someone "sucks" now and again, correct? Hehe;

Keep 'em coming, Paul. For real.
:lol: had a good time seeing this last video guys. Again, the new stuff looks really promising. Glad you had such a good time over there.