Myon - Ghost in Paradise


Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland
Myon - Ghost in Paradise
Crash Music Inc. - CMU 61142 - April 19th, 2005
By Josh Phillips


Haha, power metal. What else can I really say? This is Finnish Power Metal, complete with the typical soaring vocals, guitar leads, happiness and lyrics about saddling your horse and valiantly riding into battle in shining metal armor.

If you're old school and love ballads and massive melodies in your metal, then look no further. Pretty formulaic stuff that should appeal to all fans of power and prog. Song such as "Tournament" are extremely catchy and vocalist Sami Huotari shows off quite a set of pipes. Though he is your prototype traditional vocalist, he doesn't overload the listener with cheese so that the vocals aren't as much of a deterrent to the rest of the music as they can sometimes be within this genre. As is the norm for this style, the musicians are talented, with the guitarists being the focal point, though there is nothing spectacular coming from drummer Matti Torro or bassist Keijo Koivikko who simply build the foundation of the songs. Myon also has a keyboardist in Mika Pohjola, but the keyboards are mixed very well so that they complement the songs instead of detract from them.

Really, I simply cannot get into this style of music. Very much the same throughout the disc, there is little change from one song to the next and none of them are particularly interesting. Good music to sing along and pump your fist to, but the lack of depth irks me. If I want something easy on the ears, yet still interesting and fun, I'll stick with the latest Jorn album. You pretty much know what you're getting with this one if you've ever heard Hammerfall or similar artists recommended by the label, Stratovarius, Avantasia and Sonata Arctica.


Official Myon Website
Official Crash Music Inc. Website