Myrkgrav - Trollskau, Skromt Og Kolabrenning


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Myrkgrav – Trollskau, Skromt Og Kolabrenning
Det Germanske Folket – GER010 – October 27, 2006
By Wayward_Son


So this is the new school of Folk/Viking black metal? A Norwegian one-man band called Myrkgrav (Dark Grave) headed by a young man named Lars Jensen. So what will Mr. Jensen offer us that we already haven’t heard from Bathory, Enslaved, Ulver and Graveland? I hate to disappoint you, Faithful Reader, but the answer is absolutely nothing. However, that is not to say Myrkgrav’s debut is forgettable.

In fact, this writer was quite honestly blown away by the depth and breadth of this solo project. It is obvious Mr. Jensen is a talented composer and multi-instrumentalist, as the songs are all fairly complex and layered. Lyrically influenced by national history and tales of times past, Myrkgrav feels more personal than other bands of this ilk. Mr. Jensen even goes as far as detailing the booklet with an explanation behind the lyrics of each song.

Musically, the songs soar, feel, and live. Full of dynamics, the songs rarely push tedium. The use of minimal keyboards is advantageous for Myrkgrav as the vocals and guitars are able to breathe, while never being threatened from being drowned. Mr. Jensen’s prowess with a guitar is nothing extraordinary, but it is his use of slower segments interplayed with the harsher moments that will keep your interest. He also has an instinct for adding a pleasing melody line throughout the songs that adds the epic edge needed more within this type of music.

The vocal department is where Folk/Viking black metal bands can become tiresome and overstay their welcome. Fortunately, Mr. Jensen was gifted with a soothing, powerful voice. Sounding like a less dramatic Vintersorg, he croons and chants his way through the album. Of course, it would not be black metal without the obligatory rasps and roars, which are placed perfectly.

This writer could not be more impressed with Trollskau, Skromt Og Kolabrenning. From the beautiful singing and epic guitars on 'Fela Etter’n Far', to the melodious chorus in 'Om A Danse Bekhette', over to 'De To Spellemenn'’s mead swilling chants, and finally ending on the glorious instrumental 'Endetoner', which sounds as if Mr. Jensen is personally thanking you for partaking in his heartfelt odyssey, Myrkgrav’s debut gives this writer hope that music can still come from the soul.

Official Myrkgrav Website
Official Det Germanske Folket Website
Wow, I've been meaning to pick this CD up after hearing some samples a month back. I think your review just finally persuaded me to do so. Good stuff, Wayward Son.