myspace addicts

We have a couple of 24 hour McDonalds, of course they dont offer the dollar menu after 11. Gotta rip off the late night folks. Ive been tryin to eat healthier. No fries, only get sprite or water.
Apparently when I quit smoking the wacky weed, I started gaining weight like crazy. Or maybe I'm just getting old.
Right down the street I have Beto's...24 hour Mexican that is so damn tasty. I hate them for being in business, they kill my diet. I could eat there every day, I just wish they would go out of business. Damn super nachos sounds so good right now...
Thrillho said:
fucking myspace...... it will be the end of us all

it picked up where yahoo! left off. Well, at least after the Muslims kill us all off, we will have records of the sexless losers and weirdos and their thoughts and where they came from!!
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
it picked up where yahoo! left off. Well, at least after the Muslims kill us all off, we will have records of the sexless losers and weirdos and their thoughts and where they came from!!

Uhhh...yeah, that makes perfect sense
Thrillho said:
fucking myspace...... it will be the end of us all

yeah, I'm thinking of cancelling mine now. I don't like my lack of privacy and as a result, I caught a tiny tiny taste of what it must be like to be in a band and have everyone scrutinize everything you say or type
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
it picked up where yahoo! left off. Well, at least after the Muslims kill us all off, we will have records of the sexless losers and weirdos and their thoughts and where they came from!!

I don't like Morrocans but I have no problems with Islam.

sexless? not me

loser? don't think so

wierdo? Fuck yeah I am..but who Isn't?!?!?
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
it picked up where yahoo! left off. Well, at least after the Muslims kill us all off, we will have records of the sexless losers and weirdos and their thoughts and where they came from!!

Let me rephrase that.....I posted it after no sleep, no food, and no sex.

Myspace kinda took the geocities idea a touch further. And after the terrorists (blanket terms are cool) destroy the world. Myspace will be proof that anyone can and will post anything. Kinda like a message board!!