Myspace layouts - protips needed!


Rocket surgeon
Dec 1, 2006
I'd like to edit this part of my myspace:


I'd wan't to put code the left column 100 % freely, but I just can't get it to work.
I can get it hidden, but for some reason I just can't move my html code up enough (it starts at the ::: webpage :::: -image), it just stays there.

This is how the page looks when the profile tab is hidden:


I used this code to hide the left column:

<style type="text/css">
table table table {visibility:hidden;}
td.text table {visibility:visible;}

...also, sorry for the huge post!
I want to replace it with something totally from scratch.

make something in photoshop thats about 320px wide and 350-400px tall in photoshop or whatever you use. then I would recommend creating a new div layer where you would place the graphic. And if you're not making any hover buttons create hover links with a new div layer and assign links to them.

Positioning is a pain in the ass. but that's how I made this profile from scratch .

edit: This is a good place to learn how to do this

edit 2: I would also recommend that next time you make a myspace layout, make a div overlay, and make it from one photoshop image and then slice it. You kind of have to be organized with this.
yeah np it looks nice. yeah for explorer I would use absolute positioning. It sometimes gets weird with positioning. My best advice if it bothers you though is to play around with the code.