
Jan 3, 2005
Norrland, Sweden
Hey all.
Which of these two bands do you prefer?
Me myself, think that Gus would've done the right thing if he had stayed in MP. Darker and heavier metal and I just think they're better. I know i'll get Firewind fans bashing now ;)

Are there any MP-diggers here who think they're better too?
Ive heard a little of Mystic Prophecy, i like what ive heard, but ive yet to delve as deep as i have with Firewind.

One day.
Hum, good one... I dunno, in general I find Mystic Prophecy heavier but I find Firewind way more melodic, so it really depends what my mood is. But I think that I prefer Firewind, with Mystic Prophecy very close.

How's about Mystic Prophecy vs Dream Evil? :p
I like all 3 bands and I was relaly sad when gus left Dream Evil, and also when markus black left DE and now they have Danny Demon-.- such an Amon amarth wannabe and he sure looks like a jerk! I really like MP's songs, I think that gus would have stayed in mp and firewind. Also Nightrage is awesome! Though they are as good without gus except the solos but what the heck ;)
The Gus years of Dream Evil were awesome, 'The Book of Heavy Metal' is a great song, some of my mates who arent into metal will still headbang to that song.

'Children of the night' is another great one, reminds me a bit of 'Where do we go from here?' from the Allegiance album, top stuff.
How about Mystic Prophecy, Firewind, and Dream Evil?



"The Book Of Heavy Metal" was good because of Snowy Shaw, he wrote most of the songs...sorry guys ;)

On the bigh whole, i'll end up with saying that MYSTIC PROPHECY is the best band that Gus has been in.
He's a "tr00"-collector, and then you must have exactly everything released by a band hehe.

I've always been fascinated by such collectors, and i'm happy that they exist, but it's nothing for me. I'm all satisfied with just owning all the studio albums.
Yeah :) I mean I have like 4 copies of the Allegiance album, one is the promo in the card sleeve, one is the Japanese version and two are the normal version.

But that is purely accidental. I got the promo free, I bought the Allegiance album, decided I wanted the bonus track, then got the other Allegiance album for Christmas!

xx Kirsty
I didnt even post my promos haha. Obviously running a radio show, I get many of these.

As for the multiple copies.....some are promos in jewel cases, some are Japanese with bonus tracks, and because I'm in the USA I like to support the USA market to show these bands they have supporters in the States.

Mind you I dont do this with every band. Just a select handful. I'm a huge GUS G collector, and most people would shit if they knew all the stuff I had!
It's not extremely difficult to come by Falling To Pieces. I got one of my copies of it a few months back on Ebay...some Greek girl selling it if you remember ^_^

Nocturnal Symphony however would be like golddust...though I don't know why anyone would want it! lol.

xx Kirsty