n00b at production


Jun 3, 2010
Hey gang. So as you'll hear in a minute, I'm relatively new to the whole mixing thing. I didn't record these guys but they had asked me to remix their demo for them, so any questions about mic placement and things of that nature I probably won't be able to answer.

I'm mixing this with Reaper. The kick has been replaced with the Pantera kick, but as far as samples go, that's it. The bass was a bitch to try and tame because it's incredibly sloppy and the tone was pretty abysmal.

Rendered it down to a .wav file and then mastered said wav using Ozone.

So this is what I've done so far and the band seems to dig it. I think it's missing something, so I thought I'd turn to you guys for tips/advice.

well, Im only listening thru my shit laptop speakers.....but right away the vocals seem too much in the mix. Vocals kinda kill it for me, but that's just me. The hi-hat count in the beginning...the first hit seems like the front of it was chopped off. Is that from the autofading thingy in Reaper? I have the same issue and it gets kind of annoying.
The paying being so sloppy on everyone's part makes the mix cloudy along with some other factors. The low end on the guitars is stepping all over the bass and the low end on the drums. The overall mix is dull. Also these guys didn't record to a click did they? The tempo is all over the place :(
I agree, the mix is pretty dull. It sounds so much more alive in Reaper. Then when I render the final master down to a .wav file, it sort of takes the wind out of the sails. I'm rendering it down to 44k 16 bit wav which, from what I read, is the proper setting. So not sure what's going on there.

So basically, I'll tuck the vocals in more, take out some of the low end of the guitars and see what transpires.

No, they didn't record to a click.

Thanks for the advice guys. I appreciate it. :D