
QOTSA Brawl With Dwarves

Homme fights with Dahlia at Los Angeles show
Queens of the Stone Age frontman Josh Homme instigated a brawl with Dwarves singer Blag Dahlia at Los Angeles' Dragonfly club Wednesday night.

After appearing backstage before the Dwarves' midnight show, Homme began pouring beer over Dahlia's head while singing, "Whatcha gonna do?" According to eyewitnesses, after the two pushed each other, Homme struck Dahlia over the head with a beer bottle.

Despite the blow, Blag performed as planned. After the show, his wife drove him to St. Mary's Hospital in Hollywood, where he received stitches and was released early Thursday morning. Police were not called, but security promptly removed Homme from the venue.

"He seemed very angry," Dahlia joked Thursday. "It was almost as if somebody made him listen to one of his records."

Eagles of Death Metal frontman and Homme friend Jesse Hughes saw the incident a bit differently, saying that Homme merely punched Dahlia after he was pushed. As for how Dahlia bled, Hughes said, "You ever been to a Dwarves show?"

Homme's beef with the Dwarves stems from the veteran punks' "Massacre," off their new album The Dwarves Must Die. The song includes the lyrics, "This one goes out to Queens of the Trust Fund/You slept on my floor/And now I'm sleeping through your motherfucking album." Bassist Nick Oliveri, who was kicked out of QOTSA in February, guests on the track.

(Posted Nov 11, 2004)
Josh's take on the front page:

saiot said:
But sadly, Rolling, in an "out of character" journalistic move, neglected to fact check their article. That's right folks, There is no St. Mary's hospital in Hollywood or anywhere in all of Los Angeles for that matter. OOOPS! They did it again *sings Brittany Spears* Ever heard of 411 directory? No? OKee DoKee.
She started off cute but odd, now she's just hot. Bitch needs to clear her throat more often though.
What's Mark Lanegan's solo stuff like? I should pick some up no matter what style since his voice is SO DAMN AMAZING.
he is a terrific vocalist. I have all of his solo stuff except this newest one.

his solo stuff is very laid back and moody, but often with a despairing sense of darkness in the lyrics. The sparse backing instrumentation allows the focus to be on his voice. His version of "Where did you sleep last Night" is not as manic as Nirvana's but contains much more menace.

The Screaming Trees stuff is pretty good also but I'd focus on "Dust" as the most consistent.