NAD: Where has the hair on my balls gone?

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
It's been ripped the fuck off!!!!!! That's where it's gone!


I emailed you little something on them.

Here's more:

Think a mixture of Meshuggah, Tool, and Morbid Angel sounds fun??? Then you NEED to check these guys out. They're not really mathematic like Meshuggah, they're WAY heavier than Tool, and they're not exactly trippy death metal like Morbid Angel . . . but they definitely remind me of all three. Absolutely no metalcore here. Just fuckin' awesome metal.

The entire album ('From Mars to Sirus') is just damn AMAZING. I don't know what's up with that album cover, though.

This band has the potential to explode like Mastodon did . . . but that probably all depends on touring non-stop for the next 5 years or so. They just seem like a band that a huge number of metalheads can get into.

Some of you trolls-in-the-woods-metal guys might not want to even bother checking them out, though. That's why I directed this at NAD, although plenty others around here will probably like them.
I've got all three of their albums, but haven't spent too much time with the new one yet. My opinion isn't as favorable as yours, but they are definitely a quality band. I need to give From Mars to Sirius an adequate listen.
Oh no, please do not start with Gojira... This band must remain a French overhype.

OK, they're very skilled at what they're doing, which is a crossover between Morbid Angel and latter-day metalcore. But that's it for me, I miss the soul in their sound.