

What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Hearing them for the first time, pretty cool.

Is this shit worth finding? Oh fuckit, $1.50 on for the original, sold.
haha, I owned this waaaaaaaaaaayyyyy back in the day when it came out. It actually wasn't too bad if I remember right. It's got Max Cavalera and some Fudge Tunnel dudes think.

I would probably enjoy these days. I actually saw it used in the local store.
and it must be said, this album actually represents what a lot of Sep fans wanted after Arise

albeit with a few industrial type touches
Yeah I was getting a punk/thrash vibe from the sample I just heard.

We'll find out in a week or two! :kickass:
I have it - I bought it when I was going through that phase of all things Sep. Barely listened to it though, I doubt I'll like it, but I'll try it. If I don't like it NAD, you can have it unless you've already taken your business to
Yeah, we got cross threads going omg -- I'll listen to it, and yeah, if it's not my cuppa, you can take it off my hands. Shit, I need to make a new tradelist soon anyway, I'm totally out of space. I'm just going to send you all my hardcore promo shitz as well J since you're the only one I know who will even consider listening to it.
cool. 'll send you something of my choice. :grin: Probably some funeral doom and a spare Graveland CD (no inserts) I have that you don't. Or something