Name an album or new group that..

Wounded Land. I somewhat with Ghost Reveries. It was one I was considering. That album was huge, and I think I'll still be listening to it in 15 years. I just don't know what others think.

Zod. The Numbers are difficult. It depends on a sample of the population I guess. Metallica's albums have a much larger population, due to their outreach to people beyond metal heads. But within the metal community, a much smaller number of people could have heard/recognized an album as 'classic' for it to be 'classic.'

As for it mattering if an album is labeled classic or not. No. It really doesn't. If you want to personalize an album as 'classic' that's fine. But what my question was getting at was, are there any current artists that are putting out albums that are going to have the creativity, impact (social or musical -- hell remember that 'classics' are what have defined metal), and longevity to be considered as classics by the metal community, or otherwise, in years to come. Classics are the albums that future artists immitate. Because I'm not so sure that we have any new artists who are trying to push the metal boundaries. Who are trying to be come out with something that really -means- something to metal. A lot of bands are putting out, while good or even great, genre formulaic albums. Agalloch perahps is one that might have 'classics'.
In all seriousness, Dragonforce's works may achieve 'classic' status through their mainstream pimping and (now) huge fanbase.

I remember in 2004, when no one had heard of them, now they are the talk of MTV2. In that regard, in 15 years, Inhuman Rampage (or the albums that preceded it) could be regarded as metal 'classics' (I'd only agree for Valley of the Damned, but that's just me).
Joe-&#215 said:
The original question was invalid. If classic is defined by popularity, then Metallica's Black Album is the most classic metal album of all time. You pop music sheep believe what you want.


First off how can you compare classics from then to future classics? Ummm hello, back in the 80s heavy metal was much more mainstream than it is now, so obviously those "classics" are not comparable to future classics, especially when the Metal scene is still pretty much underground to todays masses other than a few bands that are catching on such as Nightwish, Dragonforce, and so on.

IMO Crimson Glory - Transcendence is a CLASSIC, yet I bet not nearly the people who know or have heard of Ride the Lightning, or 7SOA7S, etc know it.

Whats crazy is I know so many people who still are stuck in the 80s yet have no clue how big this music is overseas.

I have turned so many of these people onto new bands its crazy. there is a market for it, sadly the corporate sheep rather keep putting out flash in the pan 1 hit wonders.
Magius said:
There are many albums that sell millions of copies today that will be quickly forgotten tomorrow, true. But excellent, original, or innovative musicianship alone doesn’t result in a "classic." To be a classic it has to do at least one of the following, if not both:

1. It has to become ingrained into peoples' memories; therefore, to become a classic it has to have been heard by someone. Not necessarily by the general public, but at least by a large enough portion of a specific sub-culture. A large enough portion that it could spontaneously spark a discussion by any two randomly meeting members of said sub-culture 25 years after it was released.


2. It has to be influential enough that elements are adopted by future generations of musicians, and the influence should be commonly cited.

I don't see anything that's been released in the last 3 years that qualifies regardless of how much I personally like a lot of it.

Magius, if you'll notice I said that the number of copies it sells is part of the equation. In other words, it's not the sole factor of what makes an album a classic. I appreciate your response though.
Iced Ray said:
The Dark Ride is waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy better than Keeper 3. I wish they stuck with that style.

The only good thing on The Dark Ride is Mr. Torture and maybe, just maybe If I could fly.

Uh, Mrs. God, anyone?
Mrs. God is bad? That song is fucking awesome, the Riffs on it rule especially that one catchy hook before the goat/sheep noise. If I am misconstruing your words I apologize, because if you start out saying Dark is better then Keeper 3 I can only assume you don't like this song?

I love Helloween myself but the last 2 albums (while they did have some good songs here and there) were relatively weak.
Keeper 3 was not weak, you maybe among the small minority here that thinks so, however the fact remains it's one of their best albums since Better then Raw, not according to me, but every metal review site I've ever visited online, all gave it high marks if not perfect scores.

Rabbit Don't Come easy was better then The Dark Ride imho , Just a little sign, Don't stop being crazy, Sun for the World, Open your life, The Tune, Never be a star, were all good songs, but they don't top the songs on Keeper 3.

And I thought I was bad about listening to some deemed "pussy" power metal bands and songs, c'mon people?! Keeper 3 bad??..somebody back me up and tell me I'm not insane. Better yet tell me what you dislike about Keeper 3 in comparison to the other CDs, is it too harsh, too fast, too loud?
Braxil said:
Must be why they spend all their time trying to relive the time *before* Deris. *cough* Keeper 3

Well you have to admit Keeper 3 is a better title then Rabbit don't come easy or Pink bubbles go ape. If you don't like Deris you can always go listen to Place Vendome :lol:
Braxil said:
Yeah but in all honesty Pink Bubbles Go Ape is a better album than Keeper 3.

Fortunately for you I am all out of iocane powder and my name is not Ignos Montoya. The only inane way I know how to settle this is with a poll but you need to start a new thread to create one and I am too apathetic to do so. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree.
Entrerie said:
Fortunately for you I am all out of iocane powder and my name is not Ignos Montoya. The only inane way I know how to settle this is with a poll but you need to start a new thread to create one and I am too apathetic to do so. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree.

We should agree to disagree, yeah. A poll wouldn't work because 90% of people who hate pink bubbles haven't heard a note off it. But at any rate, Helloween for progpower VIII :p
Braxil said:
We should agree to disagree, yeah. A poll wouldn't work because 90% of people who hate pink bubbles haven't heard a note off it. But at any rate, Helloween for progpower VIII :p

You know it just dawned on me, it was more fun when we were debating :) How about a Twist in the.. er.. yeah let's not go there.
Joe-&#215 said:
There's nothing in that definition that qualifies standard, recognized, or memorable as being some kind of collective quality.
If you read that definition and come to that conclusion, than I don't know what to tell you.

Joe-&#215 said:
Again, you and your sheep-like metal hipsters can hold all the elections you want.
Just out of morbid curiosity, what makes someone a "sheep-like metal hipster"?

I agree with Zod, no band has come close to ripping out classics like Maiden's TNOTB, SSOASS Metallica's RTL and so on. There are bands like Wolf who have taken us on a journey back to the "classic roots" but yet will never be considered a classic (maybe time will prove me wrong).

These are not new bands... but I think the following albums will be highly esteemed and considered classics is 15-20 years:

Iron Maiden-AMOLAD
Dream Theater-Octavarium

