nasa news for DEC 9TH


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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NASA Science News for December 9, 2002

The Geminid meteor shower, which peaks this year on Saturday morning,
14th, has begun. Unlike the recent Leonids, which were nearly
in some places by moonlight, the Geminids of 2002 will not be dimmed by
glaring moon. These meteors come from a curious object--a "Twilight
cross between a comet and an asteroid--called 3220 Phaethon.

cool :) one of my friends, Dan (Zob Rombie) was doin his poetry report presentation today, he analyzed some Testament songs - Burnt Offerings, So Many Lies, and ALone in the Dark. this afro-american schmuck in front of me was insulting the music when he played it, then we get in a small verbal altercation... needless to say, i took it personal and insulted him and his music (seeing as tho he insulted ours first)... hes one of the gangster rap guys... with no room to talk at all
Well, look at the mentality it takes to proclaim your self a GANGSTA, and pretend like your shooting a pistol with your hand out sideways. SO the dude is just a fuck wad waiting to POP.
heh, yupz..
such discussions are useless because you keep insulting...
if a person critisizes your music, instead of putting a remark and get pissed...just relax and ask them WHY? Just show serious interest... it's funny that hey can't find a smart or objective thing to say, to answer your question what in my opinion, is a very reasonable one...
As soon as they start to defend theirselves, you know you can start smiling, thank them for the " light they brought to you" ;)and keep your mounth shut...that'll learn people to judge things before they say anything and you didn't wasted your energy....ah people: COMMUNICATE!!

xxx Iris xxx
then thank him for his info and don't waste any more time!
He wants a reaction by saying that, then give 'm one he doesn't expect!

xxx Iris xxx
best part is, look at their reaction and how the whole class will fall still...i've tried such things with my professors at school when they tried to defend their own theories, i didn't argued with them about my opinion i had, after studying their theories...they just took the time to defend themself (they always do) and it's their right, they may do that because i might change my point of view if they came up with some "light"...and when they don't?
Then be satisfied and think smart...let them see you have peace with your own morals, value's and way of living....they just don't know how to react normal to that and it makes you feel good, to know you made you own choice!
It's something i learned these past two years and it really helps me to feel confident and accept me as i am...

Uh oh..i've been away from social work too long i guess..but i don't think i'll go back to my precious and sick little bastards that drove me nuts and made me decide to quit the job :err:

xxx Iris xxx
ah once...there will be a day i'll come to you for advice ;)
ok, i'm out...i'm getting sleepy, heavy eyezzzzz

xxx Iris xxx

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