nasa news for DEC 9TH

getting back to the topic....

fuck all this hippie touchy feely bullshit. if that sukka pulls that shit again, punch him in the side of the head an be all "what then now, BITCH@!#%"
Ghetto slang aside, think neal's got himself a point. I made the mistake of dating a woman recently who is both very Christian, and though a blonde California, filled with such delightful expressions as "Buggin'" "I was all" "yo" and so forth. She's intelligent, but sometimes holding an extended conversation is an excercise in pain. I have a point with this, and it's not just that I have an uncanny fucking knack for attracting the entirely wrong type of women. The average rap and pop music listener has the aesthetic grasp of an eight year old child. How many metalheads do you know who also appreciate jazz, prog, classiccal music? Quite a few. But then look at pop listeners. Don't listen to classical music, don't get jazz, and they think prog is a soup reference.

People are fucking dumb and they're breeding. So, along with what Neail said, but don't bash them. Find something sharp, take a moment for invasive surgery and attempt vasectomies and tubal ligations. Do your part to stem the tide, end procreation of morons. And don't date Jesus-loving blondes from fucking California who like country and Eminem. Fucking hell, I feel dirty.
...It's an interesting point, but i beleive that if you mix the cheese with the cake BEFORE you put the eggs in, you may have problems later on with the milk, as the cheese and egg mixture plus the lemon may actually curdle if you do it in that order,

you're better off bolting up the sump first, then you can see wether the oil pickup reaches far enough into the mixing bowl that we call life...

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