Nate and J. mostly:

Speed would also highly appreciate this album. Shit, I think everyone would.

Go to for some info. They actually gave it an amazing write up.

This album is amazing.
Downloading a sample, but I'm listening to Zappa so it may be a bit until I listen to it. :loco:
I cannot believe Overmars is French. Something of musical worth from France? The world is surely coming to an end. I found their fugue cd by the way Bloodstained.
Don't forget Blut Aus Nord! And brie cheese!

This is pretty alright, but what's with those annoying sound effects during some of the louder parts? Ooh I like those subtle strings toward the end.
Im finally listening to it, its good, not as good as GYBE or Isis or Neurosis, but they are definately on the right path. They remind me a bit more of GBYE because of the sheer amount of musicians, if they put it all together, they could be quite excellent.