Native Construct Confirmed for ProgPower USA XVI


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I'm pleased to announce that Boston's Native Construct will be joining the roster this year as the replacement for Anubis Gate. We are not just replacing prog with prog, but taking the prog to another level.

Queen...Haken...Mr. Bungle...Between the Buried and Me... Those are a few of the bands that I have seen tossed around when attempting to describe Native Construct's sound.
Two minutes into the first song on "Quiet World," - weird as hell. The way I like my prog. And there's harsh vocals too? Hell yeah! Looking forward to sinking my teeth into this one.
Congrats on getting your replacement band, Glenn. They aren't my thing, but they will make the proggers happy.
I couldn't get into this when this got hyped on other forums...too weird(I know, I'm a bubblegum pretty melody wuss prog weenie,I can't do dissonance)....but speaking for everyone else this is a total home run for the fest....
Dunno if brittany will get this either..

Kudos though on really getting a great replacement.....

I have learned
trust in glenn and it will be all good
Trust in Milton,he will come through....ect....
On my first run through the new CD, I'm getting a very Vagough-y (the band) impression. Im going to have to do a few more listens for it to sink in.
It always amazes me how fast you guys are able to get replacements...kudos