Native Construct Confirmed for ProgPower USA XVI

Oh to have that insider info...soooo curious.

As far as Native Construct goes, I'll watch their set. I think they're wanky for wank's sake, personally, but I'm open to having my mind changed. I will mourn the loss of AG for a long time, though.
Listening to the link in the OP now. BITCHIN. AG was the main draw for me but this will still be awesome. I love love love the chord progressions in this. Classy.
WOW!!!!!!!!! I am sorry to see AG go, but I fully understand their decision. Replace prog with prog? Hell, this is replacing prog with PROG SQUARED or PROG FACTORIAL! Very bold and excellent choice. Bro, well done ... very well done! I can't wait to see how they pull this off live.
This is going to be the "oddball" band that always goes over huge.......

It may not be everyone's thing, but it's damn admirable ......... Glenn always comes up huge somehow in a short time notice .......

Kudos bro ......
I like what I've heard by this band so far, but I want to dig deeper. That shouldn't be too hard, considering that they only have one album! That said, I'm wondering if they'll be bringing additional musicians with them to perform this material. Based on the songs I heard, I can't imagine it being pulled off by a trio without an insane amount of backing tracks.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Native Construct is such an amazing addition to the festival. Their CD is one of my favorite of the year so far. This is true progressive prog. I can't imagine getting to watch them play this crazy shit live. Can't wait! They are now one of the top bands I'm looking forward to this year. Thanks Glenn, this kicks ass!
I'm wondering if they'll be bringing additional musicians with them to perform this material. Based on the songs I heard, I can't imagine it being pulled off by a trio without an insane amount of backing tracks.


I was wondering the same thing. I looked at their Facebook page and they mention an additional drummer and guitarist joining them for live dates on their tour in August. I'm wondering if those same two will be at PPUSA?

Native Construct is such an amazing addition to the festival. Their CD is one of my favorite of the year so far. This is true progressive prog. I can't imagine getting to watch them play this crazy shit live. Can't wait! They are now one of the top bands I'm looking forward to this year. Thanks Glenn, this kicks ass!

progressive prog? Not sure the world is quite ready for that sub genre
Really intriguing music!

I could see them either being utterly terrible live (like Cynic on a bad night) or absolutely mindblowing (like Cynic on a good night) - SUSPENSE.

Still sad about Anubis Gate. Hopefully them and WHW can play 2016 or 2017? :)
Every year that I've gone to PP there has always been 1 band I have never heard of that just completely blows me away. I wasn't going to get that this year until now. Saddened that it had to be at the expense of AG but excited that it still happened.
Not my thing at all. It's too all over the place for my liking. Great musicianship though. Congrats to them for the opportunity to play PP USA.
I've been listening to the album and it kinda reminds me of Unexpect. They were on the sampler within the last few years. They call themselves Avant Garde. You know you have a genre bender when you have to resort to THAT one. :)
I tried once again this weekend to find something to get into

I'm affraid that I will feel like Charlie Brown when he is the only one not invited to the Valentines Day party with this...feeling left out when I hear of people being blown away..

Ah well....we will need a dinner break at some time I guess..