Nazi Punks Fuck Off!!!

Beorn of MythOdeviL said:
Yeah, punks are usually thin and breakable... its fun to kickem around the pit in shows....

Danish metalheads can kill anyone they want! Danish metalheads fight people ALL the time and don't even think twice about it. These guys are so crazy and awesome that they flip out ALL the time. I heard that there was this Danish metalhead who was eating in the forest. And when some squirrel dropped a nut the he killed the whole forest. My friend Mark said that he saw a Danish metalhead totally uppercut some dog just because the dog opened a window!!!
Don't forget George's puddle, Blair. Both are Sharon's bitches, all right wing warmongers with colonialist ideas a la "if you don't like us, you are against us and we will come invade yr country and help ourselves first" but let's not change this board into a political one.
Patric said:
Danish metalheads can kill anyone they want! Danish metalheads fight people ALL the time and don't even think twice about it. These guys are so crazy and awesome that they flip out ALL the time. I heard that there was this Danish metalhead who was eating in the forest. And when some squirrel dropped a nut the he killed the whole forest. My friend Mark said that he saw a Danish metalhead totally uppercut some dog just because the dog opened a window!!!

Mad props for the realultimatepower reference, im going to go committ seppuku by frisbee now
Belgar said:
Don't forget George's puddle, Blair. Both are Sharon's bitches, all right wing warmongers with colonialist ideas a la "if you don't like us, you are against us and we will come invade yr country and help ourselves first" but let's not change this board into a political one.
blair rightwinged? come on, he's a fucking reddie labour dork! lefties also have a taste for colonialism! they just call it "liberation of the working class"! :mad:
Fleischwolf said:
uh, i'm all frightened, you look so menacing in your avatar allready! :grin:
That was really funny. Menacing indeed :grin:

What freightens me the most with you germans is yr excellent sense of humour huhuhuuh :err: aber mit oder ohne sahne? I have this one for you ....

Ein Deutscher und ein bildhübsches Mädchen sowie ein Holländer und eine Nonne sitzen sich in einem Zugabteil gegenüber. Plötzlich fährt der Zug in einen Tunnel. Da die Beleuchtung nicht funktioniert ist es
Dann hört man eine Ohrfeige und als der Zug den Tunnel wieder verlässt,
reibt der Holländer schmerzverzerrt sein Gesicht.

"Genau richtig" denkt die Nonne. "Der Holländer hat natürlich versucht,
das Mädchen zu begrapschen, was sie nicht wollte und ihm eine geschmiert hat."

"Genau richtig" denkt das hübsche Mädchen. "Der Holländer wollte
natürlich mich im Dunkeln begrapschen, hat unglücklicherweise die Nonne
berührt, was sie nicht wollte und ihm eine geschmiert hat."

"So ne Schweinerei" denkt der Holländer. "Der Deutsche hat wahrscheinlich im Schutze der Dunkelheit probiert, das hübsche Madchen zu begrapschen. Hat unglücklicherweise die Nonnen berührt, was diese nicht wollte und die dann dem Deutschen eine schmieren wollte. Das hat der Sauhund gemerkt und sich geduckt, so das ich den Schlag abbekommen habe."

Wohingegen der Deutsche denkt:
"Im nächsten Tunnel hau ich dem Holländer wieder eine rein!!!!

Hahah Arnold is from Switzerland or some shit Belgar...which is the same, anyway. and yeah you do look frightening kinda like Raymond Cruz the Mexican in From Dusk till Dawn 2...pooooh,,,,
Were you talking to me, Fleisch? I was talking about Belgar.

Just for shits and giggles:

A German and a picture-pretty girl as well as a dutchman and a nun sit themselves in one admit-hurry opposite. Suddenly the course drives into a tunnel. There the lighting does not function is stick dark it. Then one hears a slap and as the course the tunnel again leaves, rubs the dutchman pain-distorted its face. "details" think the nun correctly. "the dutchman naturally tried, the girl to begrapschen, which did not want her and it one lubricated." "details" think the pretty girl correctly. "the dutchman wanted naturally me in the dark begrapschen, unfortunately the nun affected, which did not want her and it one lubricated." "so ne mess" thinks the dutchman. "the German probably tried the pretty Madchen in the protection of the darkness, to begrapschen. Unfortunately the nuns affected, which did not want this and which wanted to then lubricate the German one. That noticed the sow dog and ducked themselves, so which I the impact abbekommen has." Whereas the German thinks: "in the next tunnel strike I to the dutchman again one purely!!!!

Gotta love online translators. The scary part is that I actually get it.
Patric said:
Hahah Arnold is from Switzerland or some shit Belgar...which is the same, anyway. and yeah you do look frightening kinda like Raymond Cruz the Mexican in From Dusk till Dawn 2...pooooh,,,,
oh, yeah? and lars ulrich is from sweden! :mad:
he's of course austrian you ignorant danish yokel!!

@belgar: i know this joke, only with an austrian and a german. the german takes the part of the dutch and the austrian the part of the german.

well, bashing germans is quite popular here in austria! kinda like the little brother complex!
i mean there's obviously not more difference between austria and germany than between the different regions of germany themselves! austrians and bavarians have much more in common than for instance saxons and bavarians! however, since after WW2 austrians suddenly don't feel german anymore, only austrian, haha. because that way they could rid off all the guilt to the germans. anyone knows where Hitler came from? right, austria! i feel this is moronic, i mean there's no other people in europe austrians should feel closer to than germans and swiss. kinda like the dutch bashing germans! but wait, isn't everyone in europe bashing germans? at least german tourists are not popular in spain and greece from what i've heard! :grin:

@pyrus: yes i was talking to you! didn't know you where talking to belgar, but the message remains valid! :grin:
Fleischwolf said:
isn't everyone in europe bashing germans? :grin:

Helmuts are cool !

Everyone is bashing anyone, at least in Poland.......and all poles are bashed everywhere (they just don't know it) so it's one happy place this europe.

Oh yeah, gotta love the childish polish jokes often used by adults in US.

"Also, Dude, Chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please."