Nazi Punks Fuck Off!!!

All these Nazi fuckers are just pathetic outcasts that are buying into the most anti-social image they can find, basically reject the society that rejected them. I don't want to get too philosophical here, but it really is all about ignorance. Most of these kids have no idea what Hitler and the Third Reich stood for, or the extent of their atrocities, if somebody had educated them about what actually happened, they probably wouldn't be as proud as they are of their dumbshit swastika tattoos. I could go on all night about some of the unbelievable shit the Nazis did if I wanted to, I majored in European History, with a focus on WWI & WWII Germany; but I won't. Unless you want a genocidal highlight reel, let me know, it'll make you hate skinheads even more, if that's possible.
Golden Hall said:
All these Nazi fuckers are just pathetic outcasts that are buying into the most anti-social image they can find, basically reject the society that rejected them. I don't want to get too philosophical here, but it really is all about ignorance. Most of these kids have no idea what Hitler and the Third Reich stood for, or the extent of their atrocities, if somebody had educated them about what actually happened, they probably wouldn't be as proud as they are of their dumbshit swastika tattoos.

Agreed. Nazi kids are morons.
Yah just like Panzerchrist, they were labelled Nazi cause they sang in German. Dumb motherfuckers didn't realize they had a KOREAN bass player :lol:
Pyrus said:
Yeah, my friend Sean is German and has been called a Nazi, yet he hangs out with us Jews all the time. A lot of people don't understand the war...they just think the German nation turned into the Nazi Death Machine and they're still sieg heiling and killing Jews. Ignorant fucks.
yeah my one friend is half austrian and half german and we were talking about it in school one day when a really dumb girl came up to him and said "you're german?? you know all germans are nazis right?" we laughed at her and called her bad names and shared our amusement with the rest of the class.

Every German is a Nazi and still "sieg heiling" - :lol:

If this fucks would even know that "nazi" is one of the heaviest insults you can state and that numerous of people land into the next hospital when they use it....
in fact i think it's ridicilous how the therm "nazi" get's thrown around without thinking! you can get labeled nazi today for swating a fly! :rolleyes:
most people don't even have enough brain to know about what makes a nazi, they just shout it because it's "trendy" to be against them!
A good movie dealing with the philosiphy of nazi and the whole racial hate thing (while being anti nazi and anti racial hate itself) is american history X. Anyone seen it?
Nothing beats Stephen King's Dead Zone. Racial prejudice in the US is a common thing regardless of what people think and is not about to stop. Just come down to the great South to see it for yrself. You will never see as many Confederate flags as you would in the southern states (very common here in FL, AL, GA, TN, LA, MS, TX, KS ...) still wonder why they had to make such a big deal about it in GA.
DeathBlade said:
A good movie dealing with the philosiphy of nazi and the whole racial hate thing (while being anti nazi and anti racial hate itself) is american history X. Anyone seen it?
Indeed, I had no place to sleep so me and the Sultan saw it one night while eating pasta though some Norwegian cunt freaked out at us for speaking too loud.
Over Broen said:
yeah my one friend is half austrian and half german and we were talking about it in school one day when a really dumb girl came up to him and said "you're german?? you know all germans are nazis right?" we laughed at her and called her bad names and shared our amusement with the rest of the class.

Well everywhere there are the stupid and the more stupid...

Ppl are stuck into stereotypes because that way they dont have to think.

Nazi is a flammeble word. keep out.
DeathBlade said:
A good movie dealing with the philosiphy of nazi and the whole racial hate thing (while being anti nazi and anti racial hate itself) is american history X. Anyone seen it?

I did. 3 times. We even got it on sociology studies last year.
Have seen it several times and its one of the best movies ever made, not only reduced to the racism-thing.

:lol: Fleischwölfchen:
"in fact i think it's ridicilous how the therm "nazi" get's thrown around without thinking! you can get labeled nazi today for swating a fly!
most people don't even have enough brain to know about what makes a nazi, they just shout it because it's "trendy" to be against them!"
Thats fuckin' correct man, especially the no-brain & trendy section is good:)

I don't know....How often do we land by this topic? 1 or 2 times very 2 or 3 months? Man, the definite permanent-burner here... Okay, the topic is important but I ask myself when it is reached that everything is said about this...