Not exactly "new" cause it was bought in about 2003 but for me it is new 
It's a Yamaha TRB5
They discontinued this model and replaced it with a successor, but I haven't taken a close enough look to see how much difference there is...because frankly I don't give a damn because this thing sounds so sick
For sure not your typical go to metal bass, but it also delivers for it imo.
A very versatile beast too, theres a knob that switches the character of the sound quite a lot.
Heres a processed clip with the setting I liked the most, everything at noon. Both PU, no bass or treble boost from the controls of the bass
and heres a file were I played the same thing 3 times with the different settings, just DI and just to see the differences.
Played with pick, for fingers Im quite sure you'd had to use the bass and treble knobs on the bass a bit more to set a good sound. I think every mode is usuable, altho 1 and 3 sound quite the same but 3 is a bit flatter with a bit different character in the mids.
And finally some pics
I posted this clip on my FB wall so for some of you it maybe isnt something new

It's a Yamaha TRB5
They discontinued this model and replaced it with a successor, but I haven't taken a close enough look to see how much difference there is...because frankly I don't give a damn because this thing sounds so sick

For sure not your typical go to metal bass, but it also delivers for it imo.
A very versatile beast too, theres a knob that switches the character of the sound quite a lot.
Heres a processed clip with the setting I liked the most, everything at noon. Both PU, no bass or treble boost from the controls of the bass
and heres a file were I played the same thing 3 times with the different settings, just DI and just to see the differences.
Played with pick, for fingers Im quite sure you'd had to use the bass and treble knobs on the bass a bit more to set a good sound. I think every mode is usuable, altho 1 and 3 sound quite the same but 3 is a bit flatter with a bit different character in the mids.
And finally some pics

I posted this clip on my FB wall so for some of you it maybe isnt something new