Krigloch the Furious Pants full of poo Dec 10, 2003 34,343 2,652 113 44 Springfield, IL Sep 14, 2008 #21 lol. did anyone think that OSU was actually good?
rms Active Member Dec 14, 2006 14,169 1,305 113 Buffalo, New York Sep 14, 2008 #22 university of buffalo had a sweeeeeet ass fucking finish
General Zaroff Registered Lunatic May 28, 2007 2,941 1 36 Ship Trap Island Sep 14, 2008 #23 Krigloch the Furious said: lol. did anyone think that OSU was actually good? Click to expand... Not really... I thought they would have kept it closer. OSU will never win a fucking National Champion ship if they keep getting stomped by top tier teams.
Krigloch the Furious said: lol. did anyone think that OSU was actually good? Click to expand... Not really... I thought they would have kept it closer. OSU will never win a fucking National Champion ship if they keep getting stomped by top tier teams.
muzmaze pyramontyrsuidvan Mar 28, 2006 3,269 0 36 N.H., USA Sep 14, 2008 #24 Tressel is an overated dweeb. He and his offense doesn't seem to know the importance of the redzone...they keep shooting themselves in the foot there, esp in big games.
Tressel is an overated dweeb. He and his offense doesn't seem to know the importance of the redzone...they keep shooting themselves in the foot there, esp in big games.
The Ozzman Melted by feels Sep 17, 2006 34,077 3,798 113 In My Kingdom Cold Sep 14, 2008 #25 Krigloch the Furious said: lol. did anyone think that OSU was actually good? Click to expand... Most people in Ohio
Krigloch the Furious said: lol. did anyone think that OSU was actually good? Click to expand... Most people in Ohio
Krigloch the Furious Pants full of poo Dec 10, 2003 34,343 2,652 113 44 Springfield, IL Sep 14, 2008 #26 they kept putting the darkie in at QB just to run the ball. Tired of that crap.