NE metalfest 2003 live DVD

Are we on it?? lol I remember hearing about the dvd coming out but I was under the impression that only the headlining acts we're on it. I'd like to know more about this if anyone has more details....
Well man, with any luck, we'll have a DVD of our own out sometime, hopefully not too far into the future. We've talked at length about doing one for a while now, so once we get everything else on our agenda straightened out, I'm sure a DVD will be in the works.

Other than that, here's hoping soon we'll be back up that way on a tour so you can see us live and in person.
So I picked up a copy of the NE metalfest 2003 DVD. Needless to say, we aren't on it, of course lol That's alright though. Noctuary aren't on it either and that's also a shame because I thought they were really good too.
There's some really good clips on here, particularly Opeth, Shadows Fall, Killswitch Engage, Lamb Of God, The Haunted, and Lacuna Coil. The only downside is that the sound mix leaves a bit to be desired at times, especially where the vocals are concerned. But the "unpolished" nature of the audio kind of lends itself to the vibe of "almost like being there". The visual part is great and it's filmed really well. I got it for a really reasonable price so if you're into this kind of thing and can find it cheap, then I'd likely recommend picking it up.
Here's hoping that we'll turn up at the fest again next year, with new songs, new album, new label and everything! I love playing in New England, it's always a blast.