Nearfield & Main


guitars must be loud
Sep 18, 2003
Benztown, Germany
Andy, since you are using the NS-10, how did you get comfortable with them?
Is just that you use them all the time and by experience you know
how to interpret them?
On you equipment list there are also Genelec 1031's and a 1092, do you
use those for mixing too (or any other fullrange system), or do you just rely on
the NS-10?

I really have a hard time with those Samson Revolvesomething which I have
from a friend who was kind enough to borrow me them while he's on vecation.
I just can't get used to them.

I have my eyes on the Genelec 1030's right know for having some nearfields first and
getting a bigger main fullrange system later on. Would that be a good starting point?
Or maybe just add a 7060 sub right away?
Ive just got so use to NS10's, every studio has them so it kind of made sense, I've even grown to like them, cant do without them now.

I also have 1030s and 1031's with the sub, I've got a whole 1031 surround set up for mixing DVD's etc, but I still rely on the yamahas mainly.
hey andy,
i use the ns 40 with a sub, do you think they work ? i also have the event 20/20 but i don't like them and i just use them for recording in my rehearsal room - i mix at home!