genelec 1031a vs focal twins


Oct 17, 2006
I would like to buy a new pair of monitors together my quested vh3208 and ns 10 and i'm considering 1031a or twins. I should have the possibility to test the genelec that are surely cheaper (used).
I would like to know what do you think about the two models and if someone compared them side by side?

thank you
I've used both (and own the twins) but not side by side. The twins are a more mid forward box. They don't sound as hi-fi as the 1031's but they do reveal a lot of detail in the 200-2000 range where things tend to clash a lot. While they sound quite different they have some working qualities similar to the NS-10's IMO -- only with more extension in both directions.
I've used both (and own the twins) but not side by side. The twins are a more mid forward box. They don't sound as hi-fi as the 1031's but they do reveal a lot of detail in the 200-2000 range where things tend to clash a lot. While they sound quite different they have some working qualities similar to the NS-10's IMO -- only with more extension in both directions.

thanx for the reply
so do you think that having the ns 10 probably genelec would be a better solution ?
Maybe. I don't love genelecs b/c they make me think my mix is better than it is, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't be perfect for you. In theory the twins do more low end extension than the gennies but in practice I doubt you'd notice. You also have those big mains for checking low end. I'm rambling but the bottom line is if you can test the genelecs in your studio I would do that first and see if they do it for you.
I have Focal twins and love them.
Buy the Twins.
Never worry about monitors again.
Mix great sounding music that translates brilliantly.