NEAT - Starting Over (punk-hardcore female fronted)


May 29, 2010
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I'm only kidding. That actually sounds pretty good. Care sharing info of that guitar sound?
of course -
Guitar - LTD EC1000 with seymour duncan JB / JAZZ pickus
Recorded DI with Lexicon Lambda (pretty cheap but has nice DIs)

reamped with TSE 808 -> TSE x50 -> custom 5150 preamp impulse -> marshall cab impulse + s-preshigh + orange cab impulse
than EQed and Staturated a bit.
Is it just me or are the vocals kinda unintelligible? I mean, I can figure out some of it but most of it is very hard. Other than that, it works for me.
of course -
Guitar - LTD EC1000 with seymour duncan JB / JAZZ pickus
Recorded DI with Lexicon Lambda (pretty cheap but has nice DIs)

reamped with TSE 808 -> TSE x50 -> custom 5150 preamp impulse -> marshall cab impulse + s-preshigh + orange cab impulse
than EQed and Staturated a bit.

Neat thanks.
Pretty good song, and very good performances.

I'd love to have a crack at mixing this.