Nebula Saturation + EQ tryout

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK
Ok so I decided to jump on the Nebula bandwagon mainly because of Ermz's constant appraisal.

I decided to give it a quick shot and hold and behold, this is ridiculous. I used a mix of a band I'm doing that I posted before, sorry the music isnt the best but since it's what I'm working at the moment it made sense.

So this one is the pre-master chain I was using, just ozone (eq + saturation + clipping ) and elephant just straight up limiting.

On this one I used tape saturation and EQ, pretty much tried to emulate exactly what I was doing with ozone in terms of EQ, then ozone for clipping and elephant for straight up limiting. (This one is distorting a little bit in the end but that was because this was done pretty quickly)

Both mixes were already ran through a drawmer 1969 and saturated back into the console, so both of them have a slight bit of saturation previously from this "mastering".

There may be a slight volume change, but jesus... the difference is ridiculous. I'm sold.
Very nice dude! I keep saying i'm going to look at this, and tonight's the night I think. How are the guys working these days- is it a completely seperate program you have to buy, or does a nebula 2 licence cover you for all the programs? I take it it still has that old cranky interface :D
I just bought Nebula 3 Pro and a few programs. From what I read on some developer websites you do need nebula 3 to run the latest programs. I dont know how the GUI was before on Nebula 2, but yeah... it's a bit awkward, it's not bad though... I just dont like the typical "list" view, looks like Im looking at a MSDOS window. But who cares if it sounds ridiculously good
Bought nebula3pro with AlexB CLC/CLeq since a couple of week so I can understand your feeling.:D
Never look back about sound quality... workflow is a different story:waah::lol:
That's true though, but it makes sense to be the way it is due to how the technology is applied. It obviously isnt as versatile as having a full range eq plugin, but the sonics don't even compare
Yeah dude, it sounds alive! Saturation is a huge part of everything, I've played with Mixsaturator2 (PSP) for a while and I'm noticing a huge difference compared to previous work.
Yeah man, I never look back since using nebula.. Now Im using it for everything, Tracks,Busses,Send/Return also Panning!