Need a laugh? Just found my first recording :D


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
Haha this is so funny, thought I'd share it with people here. I just stumbled on one of my unused e-mails, remembered that I had a MySpace linked to it and went to check it out. All 5 of my songs I recorded at home with absolutely no gear but a guitar and a cable, are still there :D I was laughing and generally smiling while listening through these.

C'mon, Laugh with me!

I played decent guitar it seems, I mean for a drummer who NEVER practised guitar except during those drink/snack breaks in the band. It was sort of after that recording that I started practising now and then, and now when I have my own guitar I'm almost practising regularly :)

And just to revive my summer project: Summer Project MySpace

Now... on my next project, I expect to be playing fucking arpeggios an' shit! For the drums though... feels like I'm not progressing really :p
if this is your first recording you serioulsy DON'T wanna hear mine, because i quite liked your songs instead of laughing about'em :lol:

btw i think it would be funny to have a thread with everyone's very first recordings...
My first recording consisted of a SM57 in the centre of a cheap Marshall amp/cab with a 7string. And a Beta52 on the ground (I had one more mic and one more cable and one more input, why not!). And the amp was on the ground. Beta52 track was all boom. Took the SM57 track, scooped ALL the mids out. "Hey this sounds pretty good!"
Man, that sounds pretty damn good for a first recording Gojira! i cant lol with you, sorry..

My first recording was done on a taperecorder, two acoustic guitars and a friend playing along, it sucked and i still have it.. only on tape though lol.
Man, that sounds pretty damn good for a first recording Gojira! i cant lol with you, sorry..

My first recording was done on a taperecorder, two acoustic guitars and a friend playing along, it sucked and i still have it.. only on tape though lol.

Right there with you Bob. The first recording I did when I finally got to step up to a 4 track portastudio (woohoo!) was with a single Realistic mic stuck in the kick and a stereo mic hanging over the drum set. The two guitarists and bass was all recorded together with another stereo mic. HiFi stuff there!!! Wish I still had those old recordings. :)
good stuff, gojira!

here's my first "band," spiritual blindness, and I think my first recording (aside from using public enemy's drum loops as backing tracks to guitar solos). my and another dude on guitar, a bass, and yelling. no drums, hehe. 1987/1988 I think. we recorded into a boom box. I'm pretty proud of the opening riff!
Sakte, skate, skate and destrooooooy!!! That was funny and catchy as hell dude, ever considered redoing it?
Checked your stuff out -J-, haha it sounds sick! :)

Aaaww all you guys started on tape and stuff, I'm such a greenie since I started getting interesting in recording stuff a bit over a year ago. I didn't even know about double tracking and how to use it etc etc, I was totally green! :D One's skill level is relative though, I might be better now but I'm still green compared to most people on this forum.

I used Guitar Rig 2 for the guitars, w000000000t!

I agree with Mart, I think everyone who reads this should try to dig up their first recordings and link em up! It's so fun to hear.
good stuff, gojira!

here's my first "band," spiritual blindness, and I think my first recording (aside from using public enemy's drum loops as backing tracks to guitar solos). my and another dude on guitar, a bass, and yelling. no drums, hehe. 1987/1988 I think. we recorded into a boom box. I'm pretty proud of the opening riff!

That's awesome, and it sounds like you listened to a lot of Minor Threat. I spent a 4-5 years in the fast-hardcore/punk scene. My first band's recording was mixed with a mp3 player's microphone in the room. I was playing guitar for about 3 months at the time. It sounds pretty reminiscent of that, although we were way trashier, but that is also about 11 years after your recording.
I just found my first guitar recording.. EVER :p
mp3 quality, 56kbps 22khz :p

I amped a cab with a standard computer microphone.. and I've just learned playing guitar.. I had'nt even heard of timing/tuning or anything :p
This is recorded ten years ago when I was 14..

Now you can laugh!! ;)

Haha, love it dude. That higher lead overdub towards the end there just come flying out of the sky SO loud :headbang: The music itself combined with the beginner guitar playing skills make me imagine some viking children playing in a band like 800 years ago.
Haha, love it dude. That higher lead overdub towards the end there just come flying out of the sky SO loud :headbang: The music itself combined with the beginner guitar playing skills make me imagine some viking children playing in a band like 800 years ago.

Hahahahaha :D

I'm from Norway, so it's possible it could be that the mutated viking genes took over my creativity :p