Need a logo drawn up, willing to pay.


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
I know I asked a while back, and got a few responses, but I hate to say it I have since lost anything anybody sent me :cry:

I need a logo drawn up for me for my amp company, Wolfe Amplification.

I need it in vector format, so I can do resizing with it. Also I need a white on black and black on white, and one with transparent backing (or however its usually done, I'm not a graphic artist so I have no idea)

I'm looking for a standard company type logo. Think about all the amps you see, I need a logo like that. Think Bogner, Peavey, Marshall, Diezel, Crate, etc.

I need it to be 1:3, in other words it needs to be 1"X3", 2"x6", or whatever, depending on what I re-size it too.

And it needs to be drawn in a way where it's possible to make it on shirts and paper, and also in a nameplate form(once again, look at any amp or cab and you will see what I mean). Instead of just going with 'Wolfe' like most other companies would do, I want the logo to specifically say Wolfe Amplification. So it might be pretty hard to get that to fit in the dimensions I need. I will say that it can be longer than what I've given, but not taller(if this doesn't make sense to you PM me and I can explain)

Figured I'd ask here first before asking a pro, since I've seen some great designs come from here.

Let me know how much you charge and what you can do, samples of prior work would be nice too.
Hey dude! I can definitely do what you are asking, and I have a few ideas in my head already. I just recently began a graphic design company, visit me here at I don't have much in the way of a portfolio, but if you end up not being happy with my designs, I will do a complete refund no problem. I've been looking for some non-metal logos to do, to show off broader styles, so PM me if interested, I can have it ready by the end of this week if you need it that fast. We can discuss pricing in the PM as well.

EDIT: And having the entire "Wolfe Amplification" name on the logo doesn't mean it has to be really long; you can have WOLFE in bigger letters, and under it fit AMPLIFICATION in a smaller size, or something like that
I forwarded your requirements to my brother, a "new media artist" (whatever THAT is) for T. Rowe Price. I don't want to put words in his mouth, but I wouldn't be surprised if he offered to do it gratis just to beef up his portfolio a bit.
And having the entire "Wolfe Amplification" name on the logo doesn't mean it has to be really long; you can have WOLFE in bigger letters, and under it fit AMPLIFICATION in a smaller size, or something like that

Yeah that's actually what I had in mind originally. Kinda like the ISP Technologies logo-


I originally had an idea to have a bigger W with a slash going through the middle, to essentially make an A in the middle of the W, but I suck at drawing and couldn't make it look right.

I'm going to wait until the weekend and see what kind of offers/prices come up, then I'll make my decision.
Do you have MSN/AIM? I can draw up some rough sketches, maybe 4-5 different designs and send them to you tomorrow.