Need A New Vst...

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
So i was wondering how to bring out my guitar sound more. I use Revalver with impulses and ReEQ to cut out everything below 60hz and everything above 12khz. Other than that i really dont use anything. Any suggestions for a new vst? Waves C4 looks promising.

Also I record everything through a M-Audio Duo Interface. If I bought the countryman DI box? Will it make my tone sound that much better for the price or should i go another route?
The Countryman is definitely the best bet for a DI box upgrade, though I don't think the difference would be enormous; mainly, I've found that better quality DI's increase the overall clarity and detail of tracks, but not much else (though the DI inputs on the Duo could be apallingly bad so the difference might be bigger, I dunno :D) Otherwise, I've found that ampsims just need a whole lotta tweakin!
C4 is pretty pointless unless you have big 'whoomp' in the low mids, I've heard. I agree with Marcus on the tweaking point, just fool around with the settings and you'll eventually find a tone you like.
I'm beginning to get really tired of people asking for tone advice when they have everything they need to dial in a damn good tone
It's always down to the software, the eq you're using, the lack of multiband comp, the amp sim's treble knob, whatever.
If you don't like your tone, have some accountability for it, because it's something you're doing wrong.
A new DI box isn't going to immediately take a 3/10 tone to a 10/10 tone.
A multiband compressor isn't going to take a 3/10 tone to a 10/10 tone
What WILL take a 3/10 tone to a 10/10 tone is setting there for 5 extra minutes tweaking the knobs on the amp (sim.)

I've found that every time I feel like I've hit a wall with my tonez or my mixes I'll come back next week, do a new mix and a new tone and shit will sound better than ever. It's all to do with your own skill at using your tools.
Look... We're craftsmen of audio, just as a carpenter is a crasftmen of wood.
If you can't make a SICK table, it's not the tools, it's you.
If you can't dial in a SICK tone, it's not the tools, IT'S YOU.

If you're really at your wits end, post a mix and ask for critique, people on this forum are EXTREMELY helpful and will offer unbiased advice whether you're a complete fucking amateur or whether you're making a killing, we're all one and the same here and we're all travelling down the same road of trying to make our mixes better.
If you'd posted a clip up in rate my mix and asked if the guitars could be improved and if yes: how so? and blah blah blah I'd probably be being nicer, I just can't fucking abide people blaming their shit tone on their tools, because it just isn't the case.

Sorry for the rant, peace and fucking :)