Tips and secrets to using Impulses and recording/EQing DI guitars


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
So after using the Wagner plug-in and pristine space, I can say I can get some serious tones out of it. I like it personally better then ReValver and my PodXT.

I will typically just use the all at noon settings on the wagner then use two of GH's impulses (my current fav is BBEH or something out of the JJ powertubes section) mixed with a center 1 or 45.

I then will cut at ~50hz, boost apprx. 3-6db at 100hz, do a mid sweep to find a nice cut then boost ~3db around 4.5khz to get the guitars to stand out if it's needed. I will generally just do the EQ on the master bus for the guitars unless I want more distinct tones. I.e. lead guitars I will boost certain freq's so they stand out a bit more.

Then of course compression thanks to c4 on the low end to keep things in order.

What do you guys typically do?

Also when I have 4-5 guitar tracks with Wagner, Pristine space loaded with 2 impulses, c4 and EQ'd, it literally tops out my vst performance even though my cpu load is only around ~40-55%. (2.33ghz c2d, 2gb ram. MOTU 828MkII with buffer set to maximum 2048 samples in Cubase) Any reason for it?
Try turning Wagner's quality knob down (if it isn't already) or use a less intense impulse modeler.

I actually don't know what the quality knob does, I can't really hear any difference at all between max and min.

I typically use boogex or Kiefer when I want to monitor but then switch over to PS. I guess I will isolate each part and keep the load off the cpu. i.e. tweak whatever needs to be, bounce it then import.
Another opinion: try lower impulse length (it can be changed in PristineSpace) around 180ms - from my experience CPU usage is lowered around this length, further reduction do not show significant results. And I`m using PristineSpace in zero latency mode.
Quality knob reduces quality of anti alias filter - when rendering to a file it sets to a maximum value - so while playing - you can easily reduce it
Oz, you should check it out. My favorite clip I've heard done with it so far is jhakwe's "Tainted Blood":

Used by itself, it's great sounding. And blended with Revalver, or something Recto-ish, it's awesome sounding. I'll soon be posting my latest song, done with Wagner/Revalver.

Thanks for the links, I got a 5150 pre and post EQ I'm going to try tonight with wagner then Record some tracks with Kitty in ReValver.
