Need a place to Crash


New Metal Member
Oct 29, 2002
San Diego
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Hello people, jsut wat to know if someone has a piece of floor to crash for the metalfest,im going there from San Diego in Bus (yeahhhhhhhhhh) so i hope some fellow metalheads will help a brother in need
Please Helpppppppppppp:)
I don't really mean for this to be an open invitation to all, but you can crash at my pad, man. It isn't all that big, and some other people are going to be in town as well, but if all you want is a patch of floor and transportation to from the show/marta station whatnot, you are welcome to come party with us as far as I am concerned- email me:
Thanxs man, thanxs a lot, metal its the best, prove it one more time, we really are metal brothers around this freacking earth of ours, thanxs once again, and keep in contac