Need a tip from the guitar gurus

I would suggest a baritone guitar for tunings that low...but having said that if the strings are heavy enough I don't see why you couldn't pull that tuning off with that guitar. The truss rod may have to be adjusted but if you take it to a shop they should be able to do that for pretty cheap, if it even ends up needing to be adjusted at all
Thicker strings would be number one obviously, and maybe a different nut if needed to suit the strings. I honestly wouldn't use anything lighter than a 12-60 set for Drop A (and that's even pushing it a bit. You'd may want to go even thicker). And then you would obviously need to take into account the intonation and action on the neck and fretboard. Take it to any decent luthier and they should be able to set it up (don't take it to a typical guitar shop though. I've had bad experiences in the past. Make sure it is someone who actually knows what they are doing). Unless you have the know-how to do it yourself. It's not terribly complicated. You'll probably want to adjust the saddles on the bridge too.
yeah my question pointed into the direction of the bridge....
Dont know that kind of bridge so I want to know if its possible to set it up right for drop-A

I use 65-13 DR-Strings for drop-A

used to use ernie balls for barithones which go up to 73 but it was too thick for my liking ;)
I used A# drop on my Schecter C-1 and it's 25.5" scale, it was a bit sloppy but when got used to it's nice.
(12-65 i oftenly built the string set customly on store)

My opinion is that i think it's a bit too short scale for A. But it's only my opinion with my touch, i play really hard...
This is right at the breaking point between standard scale and baritone. Standard scale guitars can do a low A, but you need to use a really heavy string and some people don't like the feel of heavy strings. You also might have to file the nut slots a bit wider. On the other hand you could get a baritone scale guitar and use more normal sized strings (about .5 guage by the high string difference, 2-4gu on the low string) and get the same tight feel, but some people have trouble with the fret spacing on a baritone. Like I said it comes down to preference at that tuning. Between B and A is the zone where either will work, but if you wanted to do G# or under, I would go full baritone and not look back.
I think you will struggle with that tuning in that particular scale...both of my prs guitars are 25" and a 64 wasn't enough for a low B ( d'addario 13-64 set), also intonation was really hard to set and keep. I have a strong picking hand, maybe that's part of the problem.

My solution was to buy a 25'5 guitar and that helped a lot, but we all know there are some guitars that keep tension better than others.
Then again, it's my experience with that scale length.
Fucking let's just say, try it. I did A# with my LTD EC-1000 and it sounded like a fucking cucumber.
Sucked BALLS. 65 is the most thickest to resonate and sound good anymore on that scale.
After that it's shit to be honest, i've tried so so many strings. (underwear yeah)

But try it. You'll see.
To be honest alot of the 7 strings on the market are 25.5" anyway...

Sure, but a 7 string's standard "drop tuning" is drop A, it's meant to be tuned that low, the 6 string isn't. You don't have to use giant strings on a 7 string to accomplish the same tuning, plus you get an extra string.
I really hate tuning that low on such a short scale,but there are people who manage lower tunings on Les Pauls
and Les Paul scale is 24,75. If you want a Single Cut Design with EMGs for tunings low as Drop A I would go for
a Schecter Hellraiser Solo for example, 25,5" and I thought there are some Solo models with 26,5" scale.
Gibson Buckethead has a 27" and Gibson just released a 28" Les Paul studio.
Sure, but a 7 string's standard "drop tuning" is drop A, it's meant to be tuned that low, the 6 string isn't. You don't have to use giant strings on a 7 string to accomplish the same tuning, plus you get an extra string.

All you're really doing is using the bottom strings out of a 7 string set. There's rarely anything different to a 7 string guitar apart from a wider neck/bridge to accommodate the extra string and an adjusted setup.
Wow, doing a 70 on a 24.75" scale is just crazy o_O

Yeah, a bit but honestly if its setup and done correctly it plays like a dream. Theres quite a few guitarists who use 13 - 70/72 for A. I feel like any thinner and there is just slop all over. Maybe im just one of the lucky ones, idk. But mine has been fine for years, never had issues.