need advices for my metal track to mix


New Metal Member
Jan 26, 2010
Hi everybody,

I need your advices and feedbacks about the mix of this track(and the tune itself) of my metal band called Suunya.
I insist on the fact that we want to get a mix in order to go to a mastering studio, so keep in mind that it's not the final sound and that loudness will come after, it's just the mixed sound.
I feel that there are still problems to fix but I 'd like an external point of view to identify them.

Here is the file in 192kbps **new file **

Here is a try of master to have an idea of how it could finally sound: **new file **

Thanks guys!!
the dynamic between the band and the sound at the beginning isnt quite right, it makes the entire band look like it as a pussy sound. Put at least 8 db's of dynamics, this is going to kick ass. The band sound is a bit closed, did you low pass everything? I suggest adding more air in some of the instruments and maybe you should try to make the vocals sound larger when there is back vocals going on at the center. I guess the tonal balance is fine, maybe a bit bassy but still pretty acceptable. I don't necessarily dig the snare and guitar sound, but if this is how the band wants to sound it's pretty fine. By the way if you need any help for the mastering i could give it a try on a wav. file.
Thanks for your answer :)
FIrst of all, I think you're right about the intro, I should increase the dynamics betwen this part and the next one.
I did'nt low pass anything, there could be many explanations like the fact that the band play with 7 strings guitars tuned in drop A, or that my monitors are really cheap and might not be neutral at all.
What do you mean by some "air" ? (in other words, how could i add some air to the instruments) guitars are panned far left and right, bass in the center, and the drumkit placed as you could see it in real...
About mastering, we are still in mixing process but why not when we will have finished that!
After listening a couple of times, i think that it's only a question of balance, maybe the guitars are too loud compared to the drums (not the kick but the rest of it) and the tone of them, especially because they are panned L-R and playing the same thing, is a bit aggressive. The "air" section on the frequency spectrum is over 16 khz. Boosting that section on some of the tracks like the vocals and the drums would make them stand out more. Nothing more than 4 db or it'll start sounding too airy. But before you start fooling around with some eq's try to back the guitars a bit and the L-R vocals during the chorus. I'm curious to see if it will correct everthing else. Is there a guitar in the center? or maybe some panned 70 - 70? if so i'd back them too . I'll be waiting for your update, let's get this mix to kick ass!
Ok I'll try to back the guitars, actually there are 4 guitar tracks , 2 for L and R respectively.
About the "air" frequency=> IMO,16khz seems to be quite high!! I've been told that it's barely the audible limit for human ear...Is there anybody who could confirm? or has any other tips to give some more air?

I think that you're right about the chorus volume ... Ok , goin' back to my mix!!:)
even tought you might not hear it, you can still feel an increase in that portion of the spectrum. The instruments sound like they have much more room to breathe and feel much closer. The audible limit is 20 khz. If your audible limit is 16 Khz, it simply means that you have permanent damage due to many hours of exposure to loud music. 16khz or 20 Khz is the audible limit when your listening to a simple sine wave, but if your boosting the whole 16khz region and up, you can still feel the air increase, just try it on some instruments like the vocals or some of the drums (O-H is a good exemple), but not the guitars since boosting the high end region will cause them too sound fuzzy. Anxious to hear the udpdate! good luck!
here is a new mix:

I wasn't sayin' that I 'm not able to hear things above 16 khz in fact I did not really test, it's just something that I 've been told and I rarely touch these frequencies.
I put back the guitars and the chorus voice, sharpen the snare and kick in high frequencies (and tried to give some more air).
I added a slight low pass reverb on both and then sent all the drumkit in another bus with a general reverb high-passed.
Just tell me what you think of this one!(IMO the snare is now a bit louder)
now where coming up to something! There is something in the upper part of the spectrum in the guitars that annoys me when playing the chords, in a certain range of frequency probably 4k? maybe less the guitars sound like noise. They only go shhhhhhh. if you can find that frequency range with a DeEsser, you could take it off a bit when it gets to crowded and raise the level of the highs troughoutly so you don't lose all of your guitars clarity. The dynamic at the start between the electronic sound and the band is still not enough. I don't feel that the band is punching my face when it kicks in only because the electronic sound sounds fuller, louder and contains way more bass frequencies then the band itself. Don't be afraid to create a good difference in dynamic between those, it'll just sound kick ass. I wonder what would it do if you panned your 3rd and 4th guitar a bit more in like 80 - 80 or aound that spot if it would clear that boost in the upper spectrum that blurs everything. Or maybe low passing them at 1 or 2 k so they complete the 1st and 2nd guitar. Many solutions for a same result, just try them all and see what sounds better. The rest is going fine i believe. Actually well see what can still be done after. I just hope that you don't have a thousand plugins on your tracks at that point. good luck, can't wait for your post!
wow i juste listened to your attempt at mastering it and must admit I went too far on my attempt. I completely destroyed the original tonality of it and made the band sound like another one.. I'll definatly try this one more time without over tweaking the tonal balance like i did.
yes you definitely denaturated the mix, it is highly distorted in high frequencies and lack a lot of mids...
But hey, it doesn't hurt me if you still try!
Though I will probably delete the link to the tune cause it doesn't make sense to keep it alive since you're the only one to answer, so you'd better save it in your computer!