Need an advice...


Apr 1, 2003
I figured this one forum would be an appropriate place to inquire about some things, seeing as it belongs to one of my favorite metal producers :D

The situation is as follows... I would like to record stuff on my home computer. Not really professional, of course, more like demo quality.

My rig:

Athlon 2600XP
120 GB SATA hard drive
cheap ass motherboard integrated sound chip -> nVidia soundstorm (it's constantly surprising me with it's -relative- quality and functionality, though)

My gear:

Guitar: Ibanez RG 320 ==> Effects: Metalzone (don't like it very much, but oh well) stompbox ==> Amp: Peavey Bandit 112 80W (the old model, with Scorpion speaker, kickass for a solid state)

I mic-ed the amp with a cheap Trust mic I bought for... let's see... around 10 euro (converted from slovenian tolar). I place the mike on top of the amp and stick it under it's carrying handle, so that the head of the microphone is facing away from the amp and slightly downwards (yes, weird, but it has kind of worked so far).

The software I use... Well, I -khm- procured a Cakewalk Guitar Tracks Pro 3 and SONAR 4 Producer Ed. Whatever.

Now I'd like to get some advice.. I've already recorded with this setup, and it's quite decent for the amount of money I spent (no whatsoever), but I think it could still use some improvement, so...

a) How much do you think the (potential) sound quality would improve if I bought a Shure 57 or something similar in that price range? Would it justify it's cost?

b)Have you got any idea how best to mic such (80W) amp (in regard to the positioning of the microphone)?

c)How much do you think I'm missing because of my sound card not supporting 96 khz / 32 bit sample rate? It's only 44 khz / 16 bit.

d)I'd be grateful if anyone of you would enlighten me as to which effects (compressor, EQ, delay...) and what settings to use for rhythm/lead guitar, so that it sounds at least half decent (not muddy, reasonably clear tone, nice attack...). Or, better yet, if you know links to any comprehensive and well written tutorials on the use of parametric eqs, compressors/limiters, noise gates and the like....

e)I've already been recording 4 rhythm tracks for some time now, having read Andy's advice on this very forum and I indeed find it better than just two tracks, much fuller sound. Still, if anyone knows some tricks, and would not mind sharing... :)

f)It would be cool to know how to get as much and as good as possible sound from my gear, so if any of you here still use or are familiar with Metalzone and Peavey Bandit, I hope you could give some knob-twisting advice on the settings you find the best :D. And oh, is it only me, or is the Bandit's lead channel really quite good for an integrated solid state distortion?

Okay... Now that I've flooded you with questions, I once again thank you in advance for any tips and tricks. I'd provide you with some clips I recorded of me playing, but I haven't got any webspace. Besides, I'm too insecure :D. Anyway, have a nice day., and uhm, Andy, hope you got some killer sounds in store for the Nevermore's next one, you rule...
Canis said:
a) How much do you think the (potential) sound quality would improve if I bought a Shure 57 or something similar in that price range? Would it justify it's cost?
It'd be a lot better, a LOT. Sm57's are cheap as shit when you factor in how good/useful they actually are for close miking.

Canis said:
b)Have you got any idea how best to mic such (80W) amp (in regard to the positioning of the microphone)?
A few inchs from the speaker cone, try various ways... direct into the cone, off axis etc.

Canis said:
c)How much do you think I'm missing because of my sound card not supporting 96 khz / 32 bit sample rate? It's only 44 khz / 16 bit.
Thats really debatable hahaha, Andy has been known to rustle up good results without resorting to "8679306796.90" samplerates.

Canis said:
d)I'd be grateful if anyone of you would enlighten me as to which effects (compressor, EQ, delay...) and what settings to use for rhythm/lead guitar, so that it sounds at least half decent (not muddy, reasonably clear tone, nice attack...). Or, better yet, if you know links to any comprehensive and well written tutorials on the use of parametric eqs, compressors/limiters, noise gates and the like....
Leads should generally have more mids/high mids than the rythyms to help them stand out... but not in volume, with different EQ you can make them sound seperated without drowning each other out... using a compressor on leads can help too because it levels out the dynamics somewhat and so to ear can hone in on it better... i'm sure someone can give you great links on this stuff...

Canis said:
e)I've already been recording 4 rhythm tracks for some time now, having read Andy's advice on this very forum and I indeed find it better than just two tracks, much fuller sound. Still, if anyone knows some tricks, and would not mind sharing... :)

Theres a load of other threads on this.

Canis said:
f)It would be cool to know how to get as much and as good as possible sound from my gear, so if any of you here still use or are familiar with Metalzone and Peavey Bandit, I hope you could give some knob-twisting advice on the settings you find the best :D. And oh, is it only me, or is the Bandit's lead channel really quite good for an integrated solid state distortion?
No idea, although the metalzone is only good for two things, nasty entombed type sounds or burning at the stake! :D
Whoa, thanks man, that was quick...

Anyway, I too have heard only good things so far about the 57s. I'm actually considering buying one, so I wanted to make sure. Also, is it true, what I heard about 57 being basically a 58 with a different grill? If yes, does that mean one could also use it as a vocal mike without too much compromise in tone color and quality?

Theres a load of other threads on this.

'k, I'll do a search then.

No idea, although the metalzone is only good for two things, nasty entombed type sounds or burning at the stake!

Well, you're basically right. I've learned this the hard way a while ago. I was hoping though... Not that there's anything wrong with Entombed sound, of course :D.

Haven't got the budget for a tube amp/head+cabinet or any of those rack monsters like triaxis and stuff, so I'll have to settle with a pedal and while we're at it, does anyone have any suggestions? I'd like something in the Boss ME-8 price range/category. I know those are discontinued, but you get the idea. I'm sick of metalzone.
I have a bandit 112 ( the old one ) and i think it have a great lead chanel ( for a solid state) in my opinion is much better than a metal zone, but u can use both sound te get a better rhytimc sound , but for the leads and solos i prefer the bandit lead chanel.
it used to work for me, now i have a 5150 and my world change ¡¡ :loco:
Canis said:
If yes, does that mean one could also use it as a vocal mike without too much compromise in tone color and quality?

The SM57 works great on vocals, I use it for almost all growling/screaming singers (live and in the studio) and overall it's just an amazingly useful mic.
A v-amp 2 is cheap and does the trick quite well and I kinda like it better than Line6 PODs, here's short a sample I recorded a while ago as to test a few settings. 2 guitars doing the same stuff each one panned each side.

Uhh, I don't really like those direct recording gimmicks very much... I've yet to hear a POD tone that I really like. As for V-Amp, I dunno, haven't tried, but as I said, I prefer to mic stuff. Besides, now that I got so many responses from you regarding the 57 (thanks guys), I think I'll just get meself one of those :).

Though I must say that your sample, morningstar, sounds very good indeed, it's not a reason enough to convert me :p. No, really, I vastly prefer messing around with the mike.

I have a bandit 112 ( the old one ) and i think it have a great lead chanel ( for a solid state) in my opinion is much better than a metal zone, but u can use both sound te get a better rhytimc sound , but for the leads and solos i prefer the bandit lead chanel.
it used to work for me, now i have a 5150 and my world change ¡¡

I don't doubt in the least that your world changed once you got 5150, mine would, too :D

But hey, I've already tried using both (metalzone+bandit). I got a really weird sound. Haven't really checked many settings and combinations though, so if you know any that might work, uhm, if you'd share? thanks.
Already heard those. definitely not bad, but as i said... POD, in my eyes, ain't really worth the price, because I also need effects for gigs and band practice. And I have this feeling that POD isn't really the way to go for gigging. I'm looking for versatility, not just home recording-readiness, if you know what I mean.

thanks, though, for the link.