Need drum mix advise


Jan 14, 2011
Hello guys!

At first: I joined this wonderfull forum sometime ago but never seriously posted here.
This is an incredible spot, I've learned alot here.

To me: I am Tim from Germany, 18 years old. I play guitar and piano and after my band broke up when I was in senior high school (like 1,5 years ago) I started recording and "producing" my own stuff. So here I am.

So for the first time I mixed drums using external plugins rather than using the internal editor in S2.0 ( ... I know its generic). As basis I used a preset Nolly posted for Logic, so I had to transfer it manually to Reaper. I learned much about killing ring, how to compress etc.
This is the result of two days trial and error:

So now I have some questions.
I set up 3 busses + master, one for that parallel compresses the toms, one that compresses the kick, one that adds eq and verb to the whole kit and one masterbus with a compressor and limiter.
How do I have to rout those things right?

Bus 1: Tom -> Send -> Bus 1
Bus 2: Kick -> Send -> Bus 2
Bus 3: Bus 3 -> Recieve -> Kick, SnareT, SnareB, SnareC, Toms, Oh, Amb, Hats etc.
Master: Bus 4 -> Recieve -> all tracks

Is there a difference between "send" and "recieve" or is it just other way round to make it easier?

And now: What do you think about the mix in general? Its supposed to be in a powerful rockmix with walls of guitar. Where should I start improving it?
Help would be very cool.

You may be over thinking it a bit.

What I do is:

In REAPER, I put ALL drums into a Folder/bus. (You can make what are called "Folders" in Reaper).

I add slight Comp and maybe a splash of Verb and maybe a Clipper on this group/bus.

I add individual comp and EQ to each shell.

I'll send both snares to a bus, all toms to a bus, etc. where I'll use slight comp and verb again. I normally do my EQing on the actual tom track, I think. Not sure if it makes a difference (I dont know the whole pre/post fader thing that well yet.....)

Then a parallel comp bus where I send just the shells.

This may have confused you more than anything, so sorry if it did.

SEND and RECEIVE are two different things, but exactly what you'd think. You can either send a source to another destination, or have another destination receive a source. Basically, same thing in the end.
I'm not sure why you would set up a separate bus just to compress kick? Easier to just have a compressor as an insert on your kick channel, especially since you only seem to be running one kick