Need finnish translator - COB drunk at the end of Hate Crew Deathroll


New Metal Member
Sep 10, 2005
Hi all metalfriends!

You all know that theres some minutes of silence in the end of the song Hate Crew Deathroll right? But its not silence actualy:) Its COB DRUNK in studio:p

I've boosted the sound up and saved the file here:

can anyone who speaks finnish please translate the babling? I would love to know what they say:)

Greetings from a Norwegian COB-fan
andreasdohl said:
Its COB DRUNK in studio:p

Wow old news is always SO exciting!

I could translate it but I won't. Because 1. I have better things to do 2. I'm too lazy to even do the other things I should. :p
What the hell is that all about??

Is there some finnish person who's kind enough to translate this to us?? Please! It sounds hilarious!
Zarok666 said:
Please don't translate it!!!

Why not?? Don't u think everyone's allowed to know what it means? :yuk:

U do know, there are other ways of getting to know what it means, don't u? Pleople happen to have friends in other countries (such as Finland!), who can do it for us, in case no one in this forum is kind enough to translate it first!
Bebli said:
Why not?? Don't u think everyone's allowed to know what it means? :yuk:

U do know, there are other ways of getting to know what it means, don't u? Pleople happen to have friends in other countries (such as Finland!), who can do it for us, in case no one in this forum is kind enough to translate it first!

go to school and learn to write first.
^Stfu and leave her alone.

And now back on topic.
I remember reading this interview, but i totally forget where I'd found it.
Henkka Blacksmith said:
Oh, we were totally not talking about politics.
Yeah, right. ;)
Lanterns said:
^Stfu and leave her alone.

And now back on topic.
I remember reading this interview, but i totally forget where I'd found it.

Yeah, right. ;)

Thx Lanterns! But I really don't care about narrow-minded and rude people such as juoppo! Those ppl are never going to succeed in life with that stupid attitude! :cool:

Henkka said that?? Lol! That's interesting! ;)
andreasdohl said:
Hi all metalfriends!

You all know that theres some minutes of silence in the end of the song Hate Crew Deathroll right? But its not silence actualy:) Its COB DRUNK in studio:p

I've boosted the sound up and saved the file here:

can anyone who speaks finnish please translate the babling? I would love to know what they say:)

Greetings from a Norwegian COB-fan

I'll translate it, but it's mostly just the guys talking shit. And btw, it was news to me, I've somehow missed during the eight million times that I've played HCDR....=) I'll try to get to it sometime today (I came home from work three hours ago, I'll get some sleep first), but it may take a while to figure out how to translate some things...=)
Chaosia said:
I'll translate it, but it's mostly just the guys talking shit. And btw, it was news to me, I've somehow missed during the eight million times that I've played HCDR....=) I'll try to get to it sometime today (I came home from work three hours ago, I'll get some sleep first), but it may take a while to figure out how to translate some things...=)

Okay! Thank u so much! Don't worry about it! Take some time for yourself first! And if it's not ready for today, it'll be ready for another day! No big rush! ;)
Okay, here we go. There was loads, LOADS of parts where I didn't understand their words, talking in top of each other and such. This is all I got, and I've tried to put in such form that you could follow the conversation, and added some explanations. So... Tadaa!=) I'm a fuckin' language freak, so if you want something else translated or anything, just ask, I'd be happy to. Enjoy!

Näin on. Ihan vaan ehdotuksena kun tuli mieleen just tos vähän aikaa sitte ni.
That's how it is. It's just a suggestion, I thought it up just a little while ago.
Keskustellaan ennen ku sitte mennään sinne Karmilan puheille.
Let's discuss it before we go see Karmila.
(Mikko Karmila)
Mist me keskustellaan?
We're gonna discuss what?
Ihan yks filli vaan.
It's just one fill.
(regarding drums)
Ni. Karmila varmaan sanoo niinku joissain nois kohis, se sanoo "mikä toi oli?" Hyödytön juttu. "No niin niin, mut mitä vittua se tossa tekee?!"
Yea. Karmila will propably say like, in some of those parts, he says "what was that?" An useless thing. "Yes I know, but what the fuck it is doing there?!"
Missä biisis se oli?
In what song was it?
Todennäkösesti Karmila tekee just noin.
Very probably Karmila will do just that.
Varsinki kertsissä.
Especially in chorus.
(babble) Cold. Drafts. Hey...what....hey.
Mitä vittuu sä nyt haluat?
What the fuck do you want?
Siis Koskenkorvan tästä.
The Koskenkorva here.
Ahdistus. Tuska. Pääsiäinen. Opossumi. Seksi. Kostea paraati. Ihmissuhde. Sika. Ala-algoria. Alasti. Sunnuntai. Jumalanpalvelus. Rehtori. Keisari. Ampiainen. Seksi. Hartaus. Pääsiäinen. Jeesus. Mitä on terveys. Sisustus. Suomeksi.
Anxiety. Agony. Easter. Opossum. Sex. Moist parade. Relationship. Pig/swine. Lower-algoria. Naked. Sunday. Service. Principal. Caesar. Wasp. Sex. Devotion. Easter. Jesus. What is health. Interior design. In Finnish.
(Note that words service and devotion are not literal translations, the Finnish words are untranslatetable literally, and they mean service and devotion in church.)
Vedetään joku biisi. Vedetään hei, hei, ykkösellä, hei. Ykösellä.
Let's play a song. Let's, hey, hey, on one, hey. (it's not a typo, it's sort of "on one" too, but it's generally a slang word, used in various meanings, for example, in drinking when you drink a shot in one gulp.)
(general noise)
Joo se menee, se menee just tolleen.
Yeah, it goes, it goes just like that.
Heavy metal voice!
Sit tähän täytyy tulla viisääniset harmoniat sitte.
Then we have to have five vocalled harmonies here.
(Poor translation)
Kaikki osaa.
Everybody knows how.
Joo. Elikkä duuduuduuduu.... okei. Noni.
Yeah. So it's duuduuduuduu... okay. Here we go.
Tää on joku vitun....
This is some fuckin'...
No mut hienoo. Ootsä deliitannu sen jo? Sinä. Niin
Yea but great. Have you deleted it already? You. Yeah.
Johtaja, painu nyt vittuun jo.
Director, go to hell already.
Sitte seiskasointuja.
Then (I have no idea how to translate the final word)
Now that you´ve got the translation going, I´d be really happy to get a translation of this Soulgrind text:


Kuolon hetki koittaa
Tappaa tuskan elämän
Viitää haavan antavan
Kostajan päivä on tänään

Repii kapaleen kauneinta
Tekee siitä kauniimman
Näin on kalma voittanut
Tappanut ja anttanut

Portti tulevaisuuden
On pimeyden ystävä
Sydan voittajan raastava
Ei ristiä ei kantajaa

Kosto ravan raiskatun
Luonnon mielen tuhotun
Koittaa aamu uusi
Kun kaatuu raja valkoinen

Kaatuu kivet merkit vihatut
Kalman käsi verta syleilee
Repii juurineen sielut heikot
Voiton hetki lähestyy

Syntymä elämä kuolema
On kädessä veren tahriman
Nain nousee merkki kuolon
On päivä se tänään

Peto pahin on poissa
Tuo raja ihmismielen
Mielen virta vapaa
On päivä se tänään

Jag snackar/skrivar inte finska. Bara väldig illa svenska. Men tack så mycket om ni vill översätte den här texten... Hope you understand my very bad swedish!
I'm terrible at swedish, so let's stick to english please=).
About the title: hard to translate, it sort of means death, but it's more poetic -like "kuolo"- and more sinister. Kalma is ...kind of state of death, like kalmisto, meaning cemetery, or a place of "dead bodies/corpses".
And I think you might have gotten one line wrong, "kosto RAVAN raiskatun"? Raped mud didn't sound exactly right, but I might be wrong.

Time of death dawns
Kills the agony of life
Cuts a wound giving
Today is the Avenger's day

Tears a piece of the most beautiful
Making it more beautiful
Thus has death won
Won and given

Gate of future
Is a friend to darkness
Winner's heart tearing
No cross no bearer

Revenge of the raped mud
Destroyed mind of nature
A new day dawns
When the white line falls

Stones falling hated signs
Death's hand embracing blood
Uprooting weak souls
Moment of victory approaches

Birth Life Death
At the hand blood-stained
This is how rises the mark of death
That day is today

The most terrible beast is gone
That border of human mind
Stream of mind unbound
That day is today.
Chaosia said:
I'm terrible at swedish, so let's stick to english please=).
About the title: hard to translate, it sort of means death, but it's more poetic -like "kuolo"- and more sinister. Kalma is ...kind of state of death, like kalmisto, meaning cemetery, or a place of "dead bodies/corpses".
And I think you might have gotten one line wrong, "kosto RAVAN raiskatun"? Raped mud didn't sound exactly right, but I might be wrong.

Time of death dawns
Kills the agony of life
Cuts a wound giving
Today is the Avenger's day

Tears a piece of the most beautiful
Making it more beautiful
Thus has death won
Won and given

Gate of future
Is a friend to darkness
Winner's heart tearing
No cross no bearer

Revenge of the raped mud
Destroyed mind of nature
A new day dawns
When the white line falls

Stones falling hated signs
Death's hand embracing blood
Uprooting weak souls
Moment of victory approaches

Birth Life Death
At the hand blood-stained
This is how rises the mark of death
That day is today

The most terrible beast is gone
That border of human mind
Stream of mind unbound
That day is today.

Yeah I got that one wrong! It is 'kosto raivon raiskatun'...

Thank you very much for your translation! :worship:

Now that I´ve got your attention, what does 'perkele' mean?
It´s from the title of the Impaled Nazarene album 'Suomi Finland Perkele' album. Suomi is Finland in finnish, right?
You're welcome!
So it's "revenge of the raped rage"...
And perkele. That's tough. Though Suomi Finland Perkele is an immortal thing here, not only in Impaled Nazarene context, it was also a metal magazine.
Perkele means Satan, but it's and old word, propably pre-christian. It's a curse word, and commonly used, but stronger than most. Like you can say "fuck" all you want, but when you say "perkele" with a FEELING, it's worth about a thousand fucks=). And you really pronounce the r there, like PERRRRKELE!
Propably more info than you needed...?=D