Need help and serious opinions!

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK
Hey guys,

I'm having a lot of trouble with this mix, I feel that it's not up to par with what I'm accustomed to, the thing is I cant for the life of me get used to these BM5A's... It's killing me and leaving me very very frustrated to the point of just wanting to give up on this album... I feel I can't hear as much detail as I used to with my BX5a's... I know it seems really stupid but that's what I feel... I probably spent way too much time with those and now everything just sounds alien to me.

I need your opinion and criticism on this mix and suggestions would be greatly appreciated as well.


Thanks a lot in advance!
Not my style of music, but I think the mix sounds great. Very fitting to the style. Nothing to fix really.

The only annoyance is that the singer goes out of tune once in a while.
dude this sounds good ....yeah the vocals go out of tune in some parts..other than that i like it
You really think so? Probably my ears are tired but I swear I thought it was sounding like shit... :l I cant really get a good sense out of these monitors for some reason, I cant get used to them...
Definitely does NOT sound like shit. I've only listened through headphones so far, but it sounds just about right to me. I can't really hear anything obvious to fix in the mix.