Need help brining out the lows in my orchestral parts of my metal song


May 26, 2010
Dayton, Ohio
I have been working on this song with a chuggy metal intro but it has an orchestral part over top of it. Everything sounds pretty on point. My problem is my low Brass/Woodwind sounds are not standing out at all. i.e. Bass Clarinet and Bass Trombone. The Drums, Bass, and Guitars cut through nicely but Cellos, Bass Clarinet, and Bass Trombone are buried and you really can't even hear them. Granted these are all from my Roland Fantom-S88 Orchestra Expansion pack so they are not super top notch. I have High Passed everything and panned everything appropriately. Here is the instrumentation if that helps: 2 Flutes 1 octave apart. 2 oboes dbl'd. 2 Clarinets dbl'd. 2 Bassoons 1 octave apart. 1 Bass Clarinet. 1 Bass Trombone. 1 Timpani. Harpsichord. 8 1st Violins. 6 2nd Violins. 2 1st Violas. 2 2nd Violas. 3 Cellos. The Bass Clarinet and Bass Trombone parts are basically the bass line which is the only reason I need to hear them stand out. Not a lot but enough to know they are there. They sound pretty fat when they are by themselves, but of course get swallowed up by everything else. I really don't want them to be too pronounced. I want them to be audible though. i.e.some of the new Nile instrumental stuff. Any tips? Will post clips if necessary but I have never done so on this forum so don't know the best way to do so. Also I have Clearwire and they suck ass for uploading IMO. Sorry if TMI and thanks as always for any replies.
Gimmie a few. It's not bounced down and is very raw. Not gonna post the whole thing just the relevant part. Not really mixed at all. Beyond what I said already. Don't be surprised if there are glitches. Like I said uploading on Clearwire does that. Thanks for the interest.
Well that's the problem with metal. If you play other styles of music, rock, pop, etc, you'll notice that most of the time there is a prominent instrument. The guitar might be the focus with the other instrument in the back. It could be the bass, or the drums, or something else like a synth. Then there's metal. We want everything up front. You want the guitars in you face, the bass loud, the kick drums got hit you in the chest but still have click. Balancing theses is a nightmare enough as it is. Add anything else and something has to move into the background. Orchestral instrument are design to cover the entire audible spectrum. If you want any of these in particular to be the focus then you need to sacrifice something to give it space.
Makes sense. Now what to demote to the background? lol. Thanks for the reply. I also tried re-recording the low stuff through a brighter channel in my pre-amp. That helped a little.