NEED HELP cos im a TIT - with tubes in 6505...


New Metal Member
Sep 25, 2008
i have no idea what im doing or what im buying lol

My tubes were glowing bright RED and there was an intense amount of heat coming from the back of the amp - i ashumed by tubes had gone bust or id damaged them due to not knowing about the start up procedure. If anyone knows what went wrong for a start that would give me a heads up before i go get it fixed ect...

ive got your advice a few days ago about tubes - i got advised to get JJ's but then i herd svetlana on another thread and they sounded awesome as well.

then there's biasing and i know nothing about biasing apart from the name...

total AMP n00b but i need to learn this shit but i dont know anyone who knows alot.

i have active EMG 81+85's in my guitar and im recording soon - place that we record has an OD808 for boost.

Also i know it sounds stupid but I've herd alot about Green and Red channels - obviously i can see them but as i know nothing about re-tubing i got told
"JJ's in the green channel" - i read somewhere than the 6506 hasnt got a TRUE green channel - whats the deal with that? - what does JJ's in the green channel mean??

another thing is tubes themselves - what models or specs i dont even know what the product markings mean

HELP!! :(:(

thanks alot for your time
I'm sure they meant "JJ's on the green channel", not "in" the green channel. In other words, JJ's for tubes, amp on the green channel.

As far as the tubes...

Tubes normally have components that glow when the amp is turned on. And yes, tubes get hot normally. If the large gray plates are glowing red though, that is a problem. Red plating is usually caused by a bias problem. Blown or shorted bias component. Or the bias was set way too hot. But a 6505 doesn't have an adjustable bias circuit unless the amp has been modded.

For tubes, ask for a matched quartet of JJ 6L6 GC's.

Don't try putting new tubes in until you know why the old tubes are red plating and it has been corrected. You'll run the risk of destroying the new tubes.

Sounds like the amp needs a checkup. Red plating tubes are not caused by inadequate warm up time.
Psshh, forget Mesa tubes, they're just relabled and overpriced - there might be some truth to their claim that they're specifically selected to work best bias-wise in Mesa amps, but even then I think that's suspect.
do you have to mod your amp to bias a 6505 - if so what bias setting would you recommend - i just looked up 6505 tube settings and its 5 pre amp 4 power if im correct. if i was to buy tubes id go for the

Pre Amp = ECC83 S - 12AX7, 7025???
Power = 6L6 GC's or EL34??? (ive been advised on 6L6 GC's)

same with Svetlana - the thing with them is i herd them on another thread and he said he has a modded bias...but essentially sound exactly how i wanted it.
The 6505 is designed to run cold and is non-adjustable. If you want it to be adjustable or to run the tubes hotter, then yes, it needs to be modified. Some people like the tubes to run hotter. Some people prefer the cold factory setting. It's personal preference really.

No. Not EL-34's. That's a completely different tube. Stay with 6L6 GC's.

JJ's are good in this amp. Or if you went with something else, I'd probably pick "Winged C's" over Svetlana.
Thanks alot for your help 53crew - you've been a real help.

and is ECC83 s - 12AX7 - is tht cool on the preamp

i think ill take your advice on the JJ's :) - thanks alot man

ill look into the problem with the red plating - i bought the amp new so its not modded. - which sucks cos i got it feb 2008 - and the dealer i bought it from went bust in may so i dunno how to resolve this under the guarantee - if its not ran out because the receipt i have has no marking of guarantee even though it has an option of "no guarantee". Ive tried to email peavey with no luck.
Yes. ECC83 and 12AX7 are really the same model of tube. In Europe the manufacturers called them ECC83, and in the USA they called them 12AX7's. But basically, ECC83 = 12AX7.
All 4 are red plating? something happened with the bias circuit, or you had some weird tube issue that caused all 4 screen grid resistors to go bad....

Take it to a tech
Yeah, your bias circuit is fucked, just had this happen to my marshall, new power amp valve time matey!
Take it to a GOOD tech
i bought the amp new so its not modded. - which sucks cos i got it feb 2008 - and the dealer i bought it from went bust in may so i dunno how to resolve this under the guarantee - if its not ran out because the receipt i have has no marking of guarantee even though it has an option of "no guarantee". Ive tried to email peavey with no luck.

Where did you buy it? because the same thing to me happened to me when soundcontrol in the UK went under.
IT WAS SOUND CONTROL! - in Manchester - bought a 6505 off them and its bust and i bought it in feb.

what did you do about it Joe?