Need help deciding which halfstack to get?


May 15, 2007
This place recommended me my first amp about a year ago, which I love. So I figure you may be able to help me with the next thing too..

I am wanting to perform Windir influenced black metal (if that helps with the head/cab selection at all) but I am really not sure what to get. I love the "R-fier" tone on this Roland cube 60 I have, and found the Peavey 5150 to be a bit out of my taste (too "brutal")
Maybe something with a reverb knob, around the 800$ price range?

I have no problem with buying used.


EDIT: It doesn't have to be a halfstack. Maybe a fullstack as well
My second post here. At the cost of looking like I work for Line 6, check out the Spider Valve stuff. Has the reverb knob you're looking for and tones from clean to all out paint peeling metal. The cool thing is you can try everything in between as well.
Line6 and all other modeling amps sound like shit at concert volume; its the digital and solid state power sections that just smoosh up when pushed. You can't help it; its what happens because of the technology.

But they sound great for recording and bedroom levels.

Lol... maybe a fullstack? you're a goof. get a band first. Are you kidding? When I play with my 120 watt Bugera 6260, I don't turn it up past 2.5-3 when we play... WITH MY BAND.

Get a 2x12 tube combo. Bugera 6260 or 6262 if you wanna save some money and still get great sound; they're cheaply built, but will only break if you break it. They sound sick, and have plenty of power.

Plus, you can always hook up a 4x12 (or two.... ) to it whenever you end up getting onstage if you need to make your dick look bigger. heh.