Need help. Guitar tone might suck.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
Actually anything you think blows let me know.

This is one of the tracks where I did the drums at subcat (not sure if anyone remembers, but it was a really nice input chain).

I'm not sure of the guitar tone, it's a 5150 w/ blues driver, and a bassman 100 w/ a modded metal zone (the less fizzy tone is the bassman).

I am aware of the pops at the end, for some reason it bounced this way but they are not actually in the mix when I checked.

EDIT: <----New Mix
Sounds pretty fine to me ... at least through macbook-speakers.

Bass is maybe a bit too prominent. Guitars sound a bit thin (again: only judged through macbook-speakers)
The guitars rule on the palm muted stuff, FUREAL.

The single notes and riffs sound like crap though, unfortunately. Have you tried those settings (roughly) and the blues driver on another amp?
I sold the Madison and the B-52 is still fucked up, so no I don't have access to any more than those 2 amps, a modded bluesdriver, a modded DS-1, a modded metalzone, and an old Ibanez TK999.

Here is a section of guitars only with the Q I used:



Parallel comp:

Verb after comp:

How it is:
I don't like the Fender, to be honest. Sounds strange, can't describe it with words actually :D

The 5150 sound pretty fine, to me. A bit wooly maybe ... could be more defined. The PMs at the beginning get kinda lost.
The kick in the intro sounds like there is a miced kick and drumagog sample flaming or something. The lows/low mids sound a bit flubby and not clear. Not a bad mix but some things could be cleaned up down there.

Hows that ata plug working for yea? Ive had nothing but problems with it using drumagog and its just been a pain in the ass. I should take some more time with it instead of just chalking it up as money wasted, but every time i mess with it I just get frustrated. It throws my tracks out of wack and then I just revert back to my old ways in protools that are tried and true and call it a day.....
The kick in the intro sounds like there is a miced kick and drumagog sample flaming or something. The lows/low mids sound a bit flubby and not clear. Not a bad mix but some things could be cleaned up down there.

Hows that ata plug working for yea? Ive had nothing but problems with it using drumagog and its just been a pain in the ass. I should take some more time with it instead of just chalking it up as money wasted, but every time i mess with it I just get frustrated. It throws my tracks out of wack and then I just revert back to my old ways in protools that are tried and true and call it a day.....

The new ATA seems a tad tricky in how it has to be set up on AUX busses. I'm doing a new mix on this since I think I could just do better overall and I think if I do use a sample on the kick I should just print it since ATA doesn't seem to like drum replacement plugs. I have definitely decided to ditch the fender and throw some madison on it instead. I have also decided I don't care for the 5150 tone I got so that's getting done again as well.

The other thing that sucks (IMO) about the ATA plug is that the volumes of all the tracks have to be up enough for the ping to register, this sucks if you got automation going on where your going from null.

Anyhow, got to wait for my reamp to get back to me :D.

Much better in my opinion, but I am listening on shitty earbuds. It's less muddy compared to your last mix and I like the mids on these guitars! :)
The DUR-DUR-STOP-DUR-DUR bits seem to be palm muted though, would've sounded much better if the guitars were left breathe instead in my opinion.
The double-bass bit at the end sounded like it was clipping with the cymbal though, I may be wrong.
Yeah, the kick is kind of a bitch. I really wish I had taken another 5 mins and grabbed some samples from the recording. That kick is the natural kick (well, and 30% his home kick). I checked my signal chain, it's not clipping but I understand how it could sound that way.

You can hear why it's normal to replace the kick 100% (to fucking dynamic!)