need help in making a progpower comp

DWoT and The Odessey!!!! Fill it up baby,

Seriously tho, i would say Eyes of Medusa and Awakenings.
hummm. If I pick two from the most current effort of the Odyssey, I'd go with Inferno and Wicked. If you are asking me to pick 2 from the entire catalog of Symphony X tunes, then I'll go with Inferno and Church of the Machine.

SX- Inferno, Through the Looking Glass
Nightwish- Come Cover Me, Over the Hills & Far Away
Rage- All I Want, Black in Mind
Evergrey- Solitude Within, Nosferatu
Circle II Circle- Out of Reach, Watching in Silence
Vanden Plas- Fire Blossum/Rainmaker/You Fly
Secret Sphere- Under the Flag of Mary Read
Mercenary- Seize the Night
Pagan's Mind- Osiris' Eyes
Redemption- Redemption Part II

Glenn H.
i agree totally with inferno and awakenings.. close to being my two all-time fav syx songs, but without the length of the epics. plus theyre each totally different from the other, but both so completely brilliant in their own respect.