Need Help irish post-Hardcore Mix


Jun 11, 2010
Belfast, N.Ireland
Hey guys just need a little help with this mix i've got a lot of source sounds i'm happy with and everything was real tube amps, mic'd drums no samples etc, the monitor mixes when tracking were fine, but it came apart during mixing a little. The band want it to be natural, they are just unhappy with this mix for a few reasons, they want it to be more "dynamically interesting" and there are inconsistant guitar tones that need to fit together better a good example is the transition in this track between the orange and the marshall at 2:48. they want the mix to be dirty and gritty but with more clarity than this and some louder/clearer drums sounds.

Any hints, tips or criticism is welcome as i've already gotten an earfull from the guys today :lol: we have four other songs to this EP but this is the most varied in quietness to loudness and has the obvious tone change in guitar.

TL;DR Band not happy needs more dynamics and clarity while remaining a dirty gritty mix, any help welcome etc.

Thanks in advance for anyone who chips in.

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The first vocals are really up front, they overpower the backing guitars to the point of sounding dry and out of place imo. Maybe add some reverb to certain words, phrases to make them more interesting?

As for the guitar change, it sounds fine to me, I mean the point is for the tones to be different. It sounds to me like you need to do some surgical EQing on the guitars to help the drums come through more, try cutting the guitars to try and get some higher frequencies from the snare to come through a bit. Maybe try cutting some lower-mid frequencies from the guitars, I know they're looking for a gritty mix but the guitar mud is eating the drums.
Yeah man i that the main vocals need to come down a bit and be less up front at the beginning, the band want me to keep the backing vocal thats quite roomy as well, there is a very low down reverb on the main, maybe it just needs to be more obvious, thanks